Ruger LC Carbine 5.7x28mm now approved for Canada 765.26USD

Feel free to post any sort of actual data to back that up.

Google is your friend, I too have read several articles on this.

I'm going to chronograph the 17 Hornet and 22 Hornet this winter to see if these claims are true.

It does make sense though.......:)
Funny how every time I run stuff like .300blk or whatever over the chrony I get significant velocity gains despite being told over and over it is useless to have longer than whatever length barrel. .22LR is still gaining speed past 10.5" but somehow 5.7 doesn't...? This is exactly why I figure this stuff out myself instead of listening to others that probably or clearly haven't done any work themselves.

Yeah it logically doesn't make sense. We know 22lr keeps accelerating through about 16" barrel, it's been tested many times. Thus, anything burning MORE powder in the same bore diameter should be expected to accelerate for a longer distance.

Now, that rate of acceleration might drop off at longer barrel lengths, but you're still going to get acceleration even if it's diminishing returns.

I have read in some article recently that a person can just reload the cartridge to take advantage of the longer barrel, otherwise "yes" the factory military spec ammo does best in a shorter barrel.

That doesn't make sense. Peak pressure is reached within a few inches of barrel. The fastest load in a 10" barrel is also going to be the fastest load in an 18.5" barrel. What matters is case capacity and the powders burn rate, too fast a powder and you hit peak pressure with lots of capacity left, too slow a powder and you never reach the desired peak pressure.
Both of you are right and wrong
A short barrel isn’t ever going to get the MOST out of something but there can be a sweet spot with little gains over a certain point
Then there can be such a thing as too long a barrel, for example a 9mm 18.6 is dragging and losing velocity
And a 16” isn’t really
And shorter is still not “as much velocity as the longer barrel” but is adequate.

So no, a blackout isn’t designed to be used in 9” and no longer gains any velocity after.. that’s ridiculous
It is designed to make best use of the shorter barrel and a 16” blackout certainly is faster than a 9”
So much so that it can push some sub sonic rounds into supersonic and defeat the purpose.

Of course a 5.7 is going to go faster from a long barrel it’s a fast round designed for it like a 5.56

As some examples. There are countless more

You can find all this on the internet in very detailed tests on whatever caliber you want… there are even whole YouTube channels dedicated to it
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