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Justinflation so high, they’re trying to force us all to go on a hunger strike for their false crisis and revolution. Harder for them to trot out little Greta now that she’s no longer a little girl.
Trudeau sucks for many reasons but anyone who points to Omar Khadr as a failure of his just demonstrates they don't read into things themselves and takes other people's word for what they should believe and think. Which is rich because it's one of the main criticisms this place has against liberal ideologies in the first place. We knowingly let a Canadian citizen (terrorist piece of #### or not) get tortured for years(which is against our laws) and he sued us for 20m (and would have won) so we gave him 10m in an out of court settlement. #### ain't rocket science.

Don't dilute your argument against someone in search of more points to highlight by grabbing onto misconstrued points. It degrades your entire position. It's something you see in this very place all the time, someone makes a bunch of very good points but uses a term or phrase or singular weak point in their argument and it's all anyone will discuss ignoring their entire original message.
I completely agree with the point about not diluting an argument by grasping at weak or misconstrued points. It's frustrating to see someone present solid facts, only for others to latch onto a small flaw and derail the conversation. I’ve noticed it in debates about politics all the time—people get too hung up on a single phrase or point instead of focusing on the bigger picture. If we’re going to criticize, it should be based on solid reasoning, not just regurgitating opinions without looking into the facts ourselves.
I completely agree with the point about not diluting an argument by grasping at weak or misconstrued points. It's frustrating to see someone present solid facts, only for others to latch onto a small flaw and derail the conversation. I’ve noticed it in debates about politics all the time—people get too hung up on a single phrase or point instead of focusing on the bigger picture. If we’re going to criticize, it should be based on solid reasoning, not just regurgitating opinions without looking into the facts ourselves.

What we should have are laws that say if you knowingly and voluntarily betray your country to fight for a foreign terrorist group, murder our allies and are convicted of such - you get to rot in jail for life and forfeit all rights and protections provided to you as a Canadian Citizen because you will have that citizenship revoked.

Period. Full stop. End of story.

If you think he or his fellow terrorists are down with the Geneva Convention on the rights of prisoners of war.....yeah, they're not. Think they won't rape you ? They will. Think they will torture you in the most heinous of ways ? They will. Think they will starve you of food and water ? They will. Think they will be putting one in your forehead when they tire of you, you know, if you don't die from everything else they do to you first ? They will.

It is this type of BS whereby the terrorists have no rules - nothing is off the table for them -rape, murder, butchery, mutilation, crucifixion, (see the recent news of two ISIL terrorists let in by THE LIBERALS to plan an attack on Torontonians !!) enslavement of both combatants and non combatants alike, think of the absolutely worst medieval brutality you can, this is what they do to us and our allies for real....but we can be SUED in court for violating their 'civil' rights !?!?! How weak this makes us here in The West is what gives them and their ilk the incentive to do more of this nonsense in the future. It's simply endless and we all know it.

The only thing these depraved lunatics respect are fear and power. If we stand up and fight fire with fire they will fade away like all bullies that face a harder and more resolute opponent than they are. Bullies and brutes don't like a challenge, a fair fight -they like to dominate the weak, & the scared or us in this instance.

The Left has turned our society from one that used to be a crusader for peace and civility into ....victims of their Woke ideological mind disease.

But please, feel free to disagree while you still can.
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