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Thread: Question regarding Dr's note for Depression

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Throwaway303 View Post

    I've got a depression diagnosis, but have never really went to a therapist, not in years, I have a general practitioner who may sign off on me, but what if the RCMP don't accept it?

    My GP told me that he once signed off on a patient but they didn't accept it, they needed a psych.

    Should this be the case with me, you think I may be able to get an okay from a psychologist with just one or two meetings? I sent off my app months ago, I may not get a free psych in a long time so I may really need dig out some major change for a private one.

    Must be awfully awkward to get an appointment with a psych and break the topic to them of why I am seeing them, especially if they turn out to be a poly type, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

    Is there any sort of service for this? I'd assume not.

    There's also releasing your medical records I guess.

    Hello, I had similar questions when I got my RPAL. I decided honesty was the best option and I visited my doctor (GP) and asked for a letter. Feel free to PM me and I will provide more details and can dig up the letters I wrote to go with my application. I don't mind sharing in a PM.

    I got approved back in 2020. IMO it's better to be honest about your medical history as it is all likely documented anyways.

  2. #12
    CGN Regular DerScharfSchutze's Avatar
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    Nov 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by OkayShooter View Post
    You can either lie and try, or tell the truth and get a better chance. Either way it has been documented.

    I've been a gun owner going on 20 years. I've been dealing with PTSD since 2007. Depression way longer due to childhood bullying over how I speak. I never had issues with shrinks or doctors, as their political side had nothing to do why I was sitting in front of them. They seen something I enjoyed, and they seen it not as a threat.

    Best advice. Call your GP and ask about shrinks referrals. No shrink will contact you on a online gun forum, nor will give you medical advice.
    As an FYI, I would avoid lying when it comes to your medical history.

    I have worked in the privacy sector some years back, and the Government has the right to request your medical records, without authorization, but with cause. Cause would be defined as for a court case, insurance claim (WSIB), PAL application, etc. There is no assurance that they will check or request your medical records, but if they do, I would assume they would not want to see conflicting information.

    My 2 Cents, and good luck.
    Last edited by DerScharfSchutze; 01-27-2023 at 03:07 PM. Reason: SP Errors

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2022
    Truthfully I don’t know, the answer I believe depends on individual case.

    I ticked the box. For depression. Most times I don’t have to if it’s been over 5 years. This form said have you ever.

    On the back of the form I wrote the additional details.
    In my case. I was diagnosed and treated for depression over 20 years ago. I have not taken any medication for over 20 years. I have not had a reoccurrence and both my doctor and trick cyclist have retired and passed away.
    Did it impact my application. I don’t know.
    My application took well over a year to process. I don’t know why. Nobody called my guarantors as far as I am aware.

    I was definitely concerned about having to tick the box. I did not consider not ticking the box. The consequences of not being truthful could bite one in the ass hard. If you ever find yourself involved in anything. In my case I am on record already with the Feds via TC due to other licences I hold.

    I successfully a appealed TC with the help of my Dr and the Human Rights Commissioner. For applying a blanket policy suspending my license.
    Having been successful. I was asked about it by Union since a number off other people were facing the same problem.
    I provided info for someone else who sued TC.
    The case went to the Supreme Court and the decision was in the Individuals favour.
    The government cannot apply a blanket policy. it must be on a case by case basis.
    I got my license renewed. So did the people who sued.

    This does not mean your application must be approved. Just it can’t be denied without taking into account the specific circumstances which apply to you and your particular case.

    If my application for a PAL had been denied. I would have appealed the decision and referred to my previous appeal. And the Supreme Court case.
    As far as I know the RCMP and CFO didn’t do any form of investigation. If they did I am unaware of it.

    Obviously if my history had been more recent or I had record of problems things might have been different.

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