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Thread: Question regarding Dr's note for Depression

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2023

    Question regarding Dr's note for Depression


    I've got a depression diagnosis, but have never really went to a therapist, not in years, I have a general practitioner who may sign off on me, but what if the RCMP don't accept it?

    My GP told me that he once signed off on a patient but they didn't accept it, they needed a psych.

    Should this be the case with me, you think I may be able to get an okay from a psychologist with just one or two meetings? I sent off my app months ago, I may not get a free psych in a long time so I may really need dig out some major change for a private one.

    Must be awfully awkward to get an appointment with a psych and break the topic to them of why I am seeing them, especially if they turn out to be a poly type, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

    Is there any sort of service for this? I'd assume not.

    There's also releasing your medical records I guess.

    Last edited by Throwaway303; 01-08-2023 at 07:22 PM.

  2. #2
    CGN Regular Fisselig's Avatar
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    I've had this done for my application. My note from my GP said that I was in treatment (on medication) and in good health. It was accepted but YMMV; this was back in 2015 or so. It was never followed up on with me personally. All I know is that my references were called. I mentioned the diagnosis in my license renewal recently by pointing them to the note on my original application, and I got renewed without a hitch.
    Bóg, Honor, Ojczyzna

  3. #3
    CGN Regular
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    My wife is a psychotherapist. She works for the hospital. Her job is to provide psychotherapy, which is covered by OHIP, and to do consults for the doctors. Most of the doctors will not sign off on a form without getting a psych consult. When she does the consult, the first thing that is done is an intake evaluation, at which point she decides whether you need further treatment or not. Either way, it's all covered by OHIP.
    Just realised you may not live in ontario, so other provincial programs are probably different.

    Good luck.

  4. #4
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    Jan 2023
    I do infact live in Ontario, the GTA, maybe I could hit it up with your wife? Lol.

    Then I don't have to chance it with getting a Dr's for protection from guns sort which would be awfully awkward, should I need a psych.

  5. #5
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer
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    There once was an individual who, like you, never found the need to go beyond his family doctor. He'd been medicated, successfully, for years, but (AFAIK) he'd never seen any mental health professional and he'd never had any kind of psychotherapy. The reason I know about it is because he'd allowed his PAL to expire; he'd assumed that his depression diagnosis would pose a problem, so he just didn't renew it. When I pressed him (to renew), he confessed his reticence about making that (depression) revelation on the firearms license application form; eventually, I helped him to fill out the form, and to draft the letter. Afterward, after he'd received his new license, he filled me in on what had happened; a firearms officer had called and the firearms officer had spoken with both applicant and the (applicant's) spouse, there had been no problem, and his license came in the mail.

    My point is this: don't be afraid of checking that box (if it applies to you), and don't be afraid to write that letter.
    Kyle Defoor talks about Mindset:

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2023
    You're not a doctor by chance are you? Are there any GTA local pysch's who are on GGN?

  7. #7
    Super GunNutz OkayShooter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Throwaway303 View Post
    I do infact live in Ontario, the GTA, maybe I could hit it up with your wife? Lol.

    Then I don't have to chance it with getting a Dr's for protection from guns sort which would be awfully awkward, should I need a psych.
    Quote Originally Posted by Throwaway303 View Post
    You're not a doctor by chance are you? Are there any GTA local pysch's who are on GGN?
    A buddy sent me to this link.

    Best bet is to ask your GP about any, It doesn't happen over night and take time to get into one. Nobody on CGN will write you off, nor would really want to see. Its conflict of interest. I had one skrink that wouldn't even say Hi to me outside the office, as they didn't want to think I was his patient. Like said you would need a intake report, and then they will figure if you need further treatment. As a doctor isn't going to sign off not fully knowing, as it comes back to them. Had one case how a doctor signed off a person, they gave him his license back. He went to buy a gun and murder his family. Avg shrink is 180-200$ an hour, it should be covered by personal health insurance.

    As for breaking the ice, well that is upto you. Honestly It's how you come off breaking the ice is how they will react. I found none had issues with me being a competition shooter and they could see how much joy it brought me. You start talking about killing, or harm.. The alerts will happen.

    Worst you can do, is what you are doing. Asking anyone that replies, if they are a doctor, it shows being desperate and its a red flag to why you need a license. Honestly good luck.
    April 8th, remember 22 Bravo. Take a min to remember the Fallen.

  8. #8
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    Well, with regards to breaking the ice, I will ofcourse be as tactful if you will as I can be.

    But wouldn't hazard to guess that some psych's are too ideologically entrenched in their ways.

  9. #9
    Super GunNutz hsatimmy's Avatar
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    with zero reason to believe you are a safety concern or risk to others there is no issue with them, they should treat it as a milestone but you will surpass it.

    My renewal was hung up for 3 months into my 6 months expiry date, because Mirimachi sent it to On CFO who passed it to a GTA firearms constable. She claims to have called me but all but know she didnt. She had no entries in my contact log in my privacy act request until my phone call was forwarded to her.

    Do not allow your paperwork to get to the bottom of somebody's pile. My app sat on a desk for months before i got ahold of them to ask WTF was going on. I had to wait for a while to get their requests sorted out.

    They will likely give you forms to have your dr fill out, and for you to fill out. You fill them out and hand them to the DR, who sends them directly. I brought a stamped/addressed envelope for them to use. They attached their address sticker for the dr and put in a business card.

    Fill out your portion honestly, explain what you believe/know to be the causes and explain clearly what you do to relieve stress. If you are aware of enviromental, chemical, trauma or other reasons you have experienced this, give them information about it.

    All of it allows them to have a window into what the depression is.

    Talk about how firearms gives you an outlet to deal with stress. Taking firearms apart to maintain them and exchange parts can be cathartic. I am a big fan of WW1 and WW2 history and spend a lot of time looking and working on firearms related to these times. The 'topic' of fireamrs can give great structure, allowing you to set and accomplish easy goals. Mention any woodworking or metal work you do, reloading or anything else similar and talk about how it allows you to have structure and control over something.

    The main thing you need to be concerned with is evidence in your criminal or medical past of accusations or otherwise regarding a loss of emotional control, violent actions or other aggressive behaviour. You need to keep a level head and prepared to answer questions honestly and in detail.

    there was no release of records outside of what you already signed off on through your application

    I caught up with a former girlfriend from HS once and she has been diagnosed with psychotic depression, suffers from hallucinations etc. Depression is a bit of an umbrella term that intersects with a lot of mood disorders.

  10. #10
    Super GunNutz OkayShooter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Throwaway303 View Post
    Well, with regards to breaking the ice, I will ofcourse be as tactful if you will as I can be.

    But wouldn't hazard to guess that some psych's are too ideologically entrenched in their ways.
    You can either lie and try, or tell the truth and get a better chance. Either way it has been documented.

    I've been a gun owner going on 20 years. I've been dealing with PTSD since 2007. Depression way longer due to childhood bullying over how I speak. I never had issues with shrinks or doctors, as their political side had nothing to do why I was sitting in front of them. They seen something I enjoyed, and they seen it not as a threat.

    Best advice. Call your GP and ask about shrinks referrals. No shrink will contact you on a online gun forum, nor will give you medical advice.
    April 8th, remember 22 Bravo. Take a min to remember the Fallen.

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