Cz 600 Trail.

I watched a lot of review videos on this rifle. Maybe hold off for Gen 2. Or don’t, opinions are like buttholes.
I played with one the other day intent on one replacing my BCL Bison. Overall, the collapsible butt stock is a bit gimmicky, and a shame the cheek piece isn't reversible for a lefty.
Hummed and hawed and settled on an Alpha in .223 - looking forward to trying it out.
I hadn't checked in a while but there are some recent shooting reviews on youtube of the trail.... looks a bit hit and miss.
I hadn't checked in a while but there are some recent shooting reviews on youtube of the trail.... looks a bit hit and miss.

I'll risk disappointment to find out for myself. I REALLY want one rebarrelled in .300 Blk. Supersonic rounds would own the ground out to 300m (and beyond)!
Then the CZ 600's Alpha, was hyped on the feature that the barrel could be easily changed out at home (modular). Nope (that didn't work out) you have to send back to factory to have barrel permanently installed .Credit for being innovative but should have threaded the barrel in.

The barrel can still be easily swapped - just need to remove the epoxy or whatever they used on the hex bolts and receiver.
What remains to be seen is if CZ releases barrels and bolt heads.
And there is always aftermarket (albeit give or take in a few years).
Still early days for these rifles, but what I've seen so far is promising.
The barrel can still be easily swapped - just need to remove the epoxy or whatever they used on the hex bolts and receiver.
What remains to be seen is if CZ releases barrels and bolt heads.
And there is always aftermarket (albeit give or take in a few years).
Still early days for these rifles, but what I've seen so far is promising.

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Probably end up like sauer 200/202 ssg3000 cut the barrel extension off have threaded by a smith. Then thread on a new pipe. I still don’t understand how you could install it incorrectly, but then the usa is a litigious society.

Some of the aluminum sauer 202 had receiver cracking problems, not unknown with the p94s rim fire either
CZ-USA will correct this issue by permanently installing the barrels in CZ 600 rifles. As a result, the barrels on CZ 600 rifles will no longer be interchangeable"

You misunderstand me.

I have an Alpha in 223 and had it apart yesterday.
The barrel is held in place to the receiver by two hex head cap bolts.
All one needs to do is remove the blob of red epoxy they put on the head of the bolt and the receiver (thread locker for lack of better terminology),
So literally 3 minutes with a small flat head screw driver and a dental pick and voilà - you are off to the races.

What is promising is that even if CZ fail to make good on making caliber conversions, the aftermarket surely can - and there will likely be demand.
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