Social Media Shadow Banning

Tesro Inc

CGN frequent flyer
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Hello folks,
we debated if we should should post this. However this is probably the only safe forum to post something like this.
It is not news that there are lots of restrictions on Social Media platforms on accounts that are firearms and shooting sports related. Lot of if is happening behind the scenes and one of the industry term that is used to describe this is “Shadow Banning“. So what is this? It basically means that posts on social media from us and other similar individuals and business are not appearing in any feeds, highlights, etc. We only appear to accounts that are directly interacting or following us and even that is reduced. Why is this a big deal? Of course it negatively affects us from a business point of view by limiting us from reaching our customers and potential new customers. It is just another way to put squeeze of firearms community even when everyone is following the platforms guidelines for posting. It is also a form of free speech restriction and frankly just wrong for the social medial platforms to try to decide for us what we want to see. I know that this is not a happy topic and we do not want to sounds so grim, but I think it is important we control what we want to follow and what our social media is feeding us with. After all we do give them all sorts of information about us for free to sell to advertisers so at least we could expect that they respect our choices of interests.
The other reason why we are sharing this here is that social media even with all the restrictions is still useful set of platforms to communicate and share information within our community. We just need keep getting informed how to play by the rules. That being said we would love it if you follow us on social media if you like to see videos and photos and quick and funny(at least funny to us) tidbits of stuff we like to share.

Free speech and the ability to choose what we want to see on our feeds are important aspects of social media. On a brighter note, social media still remains a valuable platform for communication and information sharing within our community. We can make the most of it by staying informed and playing by the rules. By the way, you can **Image and video linking functions will be enabled after you have contributed more to the forum** to boost your visibility and engagement. It's worth exploring to enhance your reach. Keep sharing those videos, photos, and fun tidbits with us!
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