My Medic Kits Soon To Be Found At

off topic but, anyone have suggestions were to get first aid training in the mainland.

Look into the Canadian Ski Patrol in your area. We offer an 80-100~ish hour first aid course that qualifies you as an Advanced First Aider (similar to an EMR).

It's cheap if you make a commitment to volunteer in the zone. Non winter activities are an option as we do many summer events around Canada as well. They give you a stocked first aid kit and a red jacket when you join, and all the training and re-certification needed to be proficient.
I'd like the mod packs and add them to my current first aid setup. Specifically I'd like the medication mod, wound closure, blister, treatment and relief and tool mods.
Look into the Canadian Ski Patrol in your area. We offer an 80-100~ish hour first aid course that qualifies you as an Advanced First Aider (similar to an EMR).

It's cheap if you make a commitment to volunteer in the zone. Non winter activities are an option as we do many summer events around Canada as well. They give you a stocked first aid kit and a red jacket when you join, and all the training and re-certification needed to be proficient.

cheers ill look into it
Okay everyone, The first batch has landed and is being uploaded online as I type. Should have all proper content lists online by the end of the week. For now please have a looks at for the detailed breakdown of each kit.

I decided to go with mostly PRO versions of the kit because I believe the upgrades like TQ's and Quickclot are what make these kits worth it.

We also have a spattering of modules and other items. All can be found in the "First Aid" tab on our website.
The Samaritan act won't protect you if you do that...

Scarring from staples, possible infection down the road, internal bleeding won't be fixed by wound closure, not to mention actual trained personnel having to deal with the mess of removing them to deal with the injury.
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