Wolverine Supplies

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**Not a rant - just trying to get a hold of someone**

Hi, I know you guys must be busy, but I've tried calling everyday this week and I made one last call right before posting this message. There is never an answer.

I sent an email 4 days ago and a follow up email earlier today with both my ATTs attached and still haven't received a response or any acknowledgement that anyone has received it.

Today I tried leaving a message on Tysons extension directly, but his mailbox is full and can't accept any new messages.

Can someone please tell me how can I get a hold of anyone to find out when my orders will ship? My ATTs have been in over a week and there has been no response from anyone. Not sure where to turn or what to do, so I figured hopefully someone from wolverine will read this here. Can someone help me please.

And before anyone on this forum starts to complain, I want to be clear that wolverine supplies has always given me top notch service. This is not a complaint, just can't seem to find any other way to get a hold of anyone and I’m not sure where to turn.

Nope we are still open today but have some staff absences due to illness and other issues making us a bit behind and busy on the phones right now. Give me a call at extension 242 and I can look into this for you.
Nope we are still open today but have some staff absences due to illness and other issues making us a bit behind and busy on the phones right now. Give me a call at extension 242 and I can look into this for you.

Your quick response to this post and our conversation on the phone is much appreciated. Thank you.
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