Caliber selection vs range limitations and restrictions?


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Hey guys,

I'm still new to this forum, but I've been a firearm owner for a few years now. Here is my story real quick: I own 12 ga, 22lr and used to own an SKS.

Looking to either get another SKS or get a precision centerfire bolt gun in either .223, .308 or 7.62x39. Goal being target shooting only.

Here are my issues:

1) Range limitations are maximum 200 yards, so no long range available

2) Steel-core ammo banned in the area, so no cheap surplus allowed (when I owned the SKS, surplus was still allowed)

I'm leaning towards a heavy barrel .223 rifle in this scenario. I was considering the SKS again, but in this new reality I'd be shooting $1.40/round on average. Not sure if it's worth it, given that I can spend that on either bulk .223 ammo or precision match ammo which comes to the same price.

What are your thoughts?

Thanks in advance!

Edit: I know the SKS isn't a precision rifle by any means. It would have been used for plinking if selected
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Hey guys,

I'm still new to this forum, but I've been a firearm owner for a few years now. Here is my story real quick: I own 12 ga, 22lr and used to own an SKS.

Looking to either get another SKS or get a precision centerfire bolt gun in either .223, .308 or 7.62x39. Goal being target shooting only.

Here are my issues:

1) Range limitations are maximum 200 yards, so no long range available

2) Steel-core ammo banned in the area, so no cheap surplus allowed (when I owned the SKS, surplus was still allowed)

I'm leaning towards a heavy barrel .223 rifle in this scenario. I was considering the SKS again, but in this new reality I'd be shooting $1.40/round on average. Not sure if it's worth it, given that I can spend that on either bulk .223 ammo or precision match ammo which comes to the same price.

What are your thoughts?

Thanks in advance!

Edit: I know the SKS isn't a precision rifle by any means. It would have been used for plinking if selected. **Image and video linking functions will be enabled after you have contributed more to the forum** iss the first one in the papa's series

I want to hear more from you. I am just a new one in both.
Hey guys,

I'm still new to this forum, but I've been a firearm owner for a few years now. Here is my story real quick: I own 12 ga, 22lr and used to own an SKS.

Looking to either get another SKS or get a precision centerfire bolt gun in either .223, .308 or 7.62x39. Goal being target shooting only.

Here are my issues:

1) Range limitations are maximum 200 yards, so no long range available

2) Steel-core ammo banned in the area, so no cheap surplus allowed (when I owned the SKS, surplus was still allowed)

I'm leaning towards a heavy barrel .223 rifle in this scenario. I was considering the SKS again, **Image and video linking functions will be enabled after you have contributed more to the forum** but in this new reality I'd be shooting $1.40/round on average. Not sure if it's worth it, given that I can spend that on either bulk .223 ammo or precision match ammo which comes to the same price.

What are your thoughts?

Thanks in advance!

Edit: I know the SKS isn't a precision rifle by any means. It would have been used for plinking if selected

It's fantastic that such knowledge is widely disseminated. I am aware that you worked very hard to create this post.
If you have an interest in precision shooting 223 is the cheapest option for quality ammunition. It is ballistically superior to 7.62x39 and really on par with 308.
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