Safety tips for private sales


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How would you ensure the safety of both parties in a private gun sale? Things the buying party should ask for? Things the selling party should ask for? Would suggesting the police station be a good place to make the transaction (as long as you notify them in advance of your event!)? Any advice to ensure a safe transaction is appreciated. Please consider worst case scenarios because I know everything goes well until it doesn't.
These days face to face may be too risky - you never know who's on the other end of the deal - I prefer to ship via Canada Post with tracking number/insurance once I receive payment for the item and confirmed with the CFO that the person on the other end have a valid license. Also would confirm mailing address to make sure it's the same as to what they have on file.

A few years back some guy was selling his new phone - met someone that knifed him and took his phone that person who was selling the phone died.

Grow some balls. I have dealt many firearms at my local gas station. Some picked up at people's house, gun range, mall parking, etc. I know I am physically capable and I always carry a knife.

I have been buying and selling for a long time on Kijiji, craigslist, Facebook marketplace.

I usually spot the person before they spot me.
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Police station is a bad idea. They don’t want you bringing guns there. Most of my gun deals have been face to face. I haven’t had any problems with meeting people and doing gun deals in parking lots over to the side. Keep it quiet and guns down out of site of the public. Don’t be stupid. Here in NS we had a couple incidents where people shouldered a pellet gun during a deal in a parking lot. Police called and charges laid. Some people I have met I have since done repeat deals with.
I would say if you are concerned, dont go alone. Take a friend. Make the meet in a place that is public but where you can be a bit discreet and likely has cameras. Perhaps a local range?

I think you are buying into the "all people with guns are bad" paranoia that is served a lot on these forums when in actuality it is quite the opposite. If you are still uncomfortable then pay the shipping price even if it across town.
Why do people say to meet at a local range or gun store, they are not all that convenient.

A big old store parking lot, gas station etc.
Face to face seals are a necessity at times as are 3 hour drives.

There is a large number of people that will NOT ship, scan the EE and youll see, same as on

The amount of scared men afraid to to do a face to face these days is astounding.
The lack of common sense is a front runner as well.
The amount of Hand holding needed is up there too.
Worst case, they change their mind after seeing it, no show, or try and low ball you by not enough cash.

I actually find local dealings more annoying than online. The logistics of trying to meet up. Sometimes the time works for you, does not work for them.

I bring my dog with me to meet up.
Why do people say to meet at a local range or gun store, they are not all that convenient.

A big old store parking lot, gas station etc.
Face to face seals are a necessity at times as are 3 hour drives.

There is a large number of people that will NOT ship, scan the EE and youll see, same as on

The amount of scared men afraid to to do a face to face these days is astounding.
The lack of common sense is a front runner as well.
The amount of Hand holding needed is up there too.

Not everybody lives in butt #### nowheres.

Because some areas are not that gun friendly and meeting at a range or gun store, it wouldn't be shocking to see someone with a gun. The more urban the area, the more likely to have someone call the cops on you.

I'm not scared, I just dont want my time wasted. Easier to close my screen and move to the next, then worry about wasting my times with calls and driving there.

Had this guy wanting snow blower parts. The guy was trying to tell me that I left a voice mail, I don't call. When we finally meet up. I get asked if I was the one selling the snowblower. He looks at the parts, ain't even what he wanted.

So I had to leave my house to meet up and the guy had no idea what he was buying.
Not everybody lives in butt #### nowheres.

Because some areas are not that gun friendly and meeting at a range or gun store, it wouldn't be shocking to see someone with a gun. The more urban the area, the more likely to have someone call the cops on you.

I'm not scared, I just dont want my time wasted. Easier to close my screen and move to the next, then worry about wasting my times with calls and driving there.

Had this guy wanting snow blower parts. The guy was trying to tell me that I left a voice mail, I don't call. When we finally meet up. I get asked if I was the one selling the snowblower. He looks at the parts, ain't even what he wanted.

So I had to leave my house to meet up and the guy had no idea what he was buying.

Hard to mail Atv ,tires, washers and dryers.

I think we are talking about fafce to face gun deals in the particular thread.
Worst case meaning you get robbed or assaulted. First of all, check online feedback and talk to the guy on the phone so you have a number and can tell if the guy sounds like a gun nut. No feedback or knows nothing would be a no no. Meeting in daylight in a public place with surveillance cams and whatever video technology you can bring would help. I would like to have a steering wheel lock or somesuch around.
Be discreet in public, bring garbage bags, there are people who will break your nose for possession of a Star Wars blaster.
Maybe I'm too stupid or naive to be scared to do a face to face transaction.

I usually arrange it so the meet is at a gas station off whatever hiway is closest.

I'm driving 3 hours one way to pick up a 1948 win 94 tomorrow seller won't ship.
Maybe this is my last post ever.

It's been 2 days. Think FatCatsDad didn't make it. If you did, how did the actual meet go? Did the opposite party inspect the firearm? How did you go about verifying the PAL, did you do that in advance. I ask all this because I'm new to this. Rather be prepared than run into trouble.
Buy from someone with a decent feedback rating. Get a feel for who they are by reading some of their posts on here. Give them a call and talk to them on the phone. Ive never felt unsafe in the dozens of ftf deals ive done on here, and they usually all are done either at the persons house (mostly for reloading supplies) or at a parking lot at timmies or Sail.

Licensed gun owners are usually the best people you will ever meet.
I always do my ftf deals at a parking lot where guns aren't as out of place, such as cabelas parking lot or a big parking lot such as Canadian tire. Both those places sell guns and ammunition(for the most part, i am in a rural area). And people here tend to be more used to seeing firearms. Of course im always as discrete as possible anyways no matter where I do a deal. If it helps phone the guy up for a 5 minute chat, can usually tell what kinda person they are. And obviously check the pal beforehand. This way has worked for me and never had any issues.
Buy from someone with a decent feedback rating. Get a feel for who they are by reading some of their posts on here. Give them a call and talk to them on the phone. Ive never felt unsafe in the dozens of ftf deals ive done on here, and they usually all are done either at the persons house (mostly for reloading supplies) or at a parking lot at timmies or Sail.

Licensed gun owners are usually the best people you will ever meet.

Right there and, no surprises.
It's been 2 days. Think FatCatsDad didn't make it. If you did, how did the actual meet go? Did the opposite party inspect the firearm? How did you go about verifying the PAL, did you do that in advance. I ask all this because I'm new to this. Rather be prepared than run into trouble.

I survived, I was the buyer, transferred from his car to mine, inspected in vehicle.
PAL check done on cellphone.
Sent EMT at deal site.
Did deal in a Canadian Tire parking lot.

People overthink themselves into disastrous situation , where such situation is such a remote possibility.

My odds were better getting in a car accident over the 600 KLM I travelled ( return, not 1 way)
Grow some balls. I have dealt many firearms at my local gas station. Some picked up at people's house, gun range, mall parking, etc. I know I am physically capable and I always carry a knife.

I have been buying and selling for a long time on Kijiji, craigslist, Facebook marketplace.

I usually spot the person before they spot me.

^^^ For sure.
I can't understand what is wrong with some people these days. I'm not afraid.
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