
If it’s non restricted it’s not a transfer. It’s a sales transaction between a buyer and seller.

If it’s from a business, the business will take care of it. If it’s a private sale, the seller will have to verify the buyers PAL. Log into the RCMP IWS (Individual Web Services) and you can see the required info there.
So if it’s an individual to individual private sale you don’t need a transfer number?

You do. People here will say you don't, but legally you do. There's nothing stopping a person from conducting a private sale without getting the government involved, but if you ask them, they'll tell you you need a transfer authorization for NR.
So if it’s an individual to individual private sale you don’t need a transfer number?

The proper term for NR guns is "reference number". Legally you need to obtain a reference number to sell a NR gun, the reference number is proof that you checked the validity of someones PAL and is valid for 90 days. In that timeframe you (assuming you're the seller) can sell any number of firearms to that specific buyer.
A handgun sold or transferred from another state may be legally acquired by a resident of that state if the transaction is handled by a licenced dealer in that jurisdiction.
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