Traitors. I will never purchase from you again.

The scarecrow tactic again…..scare will go to jail. Fxxvk that..even under the old registry..plenty of guns were registered and owners happily used them. Just look at Quebec registry..1 million registered - another million is not. How many are in jail ? None.
Stop of being afraid for nothing.

why don't you resurrect the "Canadian Unregistered Firearms Owners Association".

You can be President.
Traitors and sell outs. Whatever prices they negotiate for their unsold inventory will be based on wholesale prices, and then used by the liberals to offer less than retail prices for their civilian gun grab.
Unless you are saying you're willing to be locked up in jail to stand up against this, then yes your guns are just as for sale as mine. I have a family to take care of, so as much as I don't WANT to give them anything if my alternative is a jail cell then I'm going to do what I need to to be able to continue to provide for my family.

The odds on you going to jail if caught with a prohibited firearm are very long. Fines are more likely along with a criminal record, loss of your PAL, seizure of your other firearms, and possibly loss your job, ability to volunteer in the community and to travel internationally. That's too much of a risk for me over a couple of semi-auto rifles.
Traitors and sell outs. Whatever prices they negotiate for their unsold inventory will be based on wholesale prices, and then used by the liberals to offer less than retail prices for their civilian gun grab.

Why would it be based on wholesale prices? They can't sell them means they're out their full retail value. They've already paid the insurance, rent, utilities, wages, whatever else their mark up would normally be used to cover.
I thought they could export most of their stock to the USA.

The prices the gov. offers will set a precedent for buyback prices.

The OIC guns are now prohibited.

They need export permits.

Government can simply refuse to issue.

And going to the US needs import permits from the US. Biden administration is just as anti gun. You think the ATF would issue import permits?
So you think the government will pay the same price regardless of whether industry has input on it?

There are 11,000 restricteds in retailers possession that were banned by the 2020 OIC. The government knows who has what because of the registry.

All the government would have to do is wait until Oct 30 when the current amnesty expires, say they aren't renewing the amnesty for business and seize the guns without giving them a penny.
Hopefully winkel gets cancer and dies with his pants full of sh*t, it's what the aging scum deserves. Never buying from EE again.

As someone that has cancer, I dont wish it on anyone. Its painful and brutal. This comment is childish, and exactly what gives gun owners a bad rep. Now go #### yourself and seek help.
Screw these companies and their stock, they should only get what they paid for them, not a dollar more or less. We are all in the same boat, lots of firearms owners are sitting on at least 50k in stuff they can not use. I rather turn my gun into an organization that i knows it values, like ####heads that are a doctors against guns or that polytenic group.
CSAAA Mission Statement
"To promote and protect the legal rights of manufacturers, importers, resellers and stakeholders in the Canadian shooting sports industry."
They should change their mission statement we want make as much money as possible off the consumer, and then sell out to the government because there is no more shooting sports.

Screw these companies, there is no science behind the gun ban, and yet they are willing to work with the government to destroy most of the shooting sports. Just to get some money for their stock that could not sell. (lets not forget about the year before the OIC when you could not find an AR because people were buying because of fear of a ban) I feel like I have been take advantage of by these companies, and I will no longer support them.

We all need to stand our ground, and not back down to the bullies.
Screw these companies and their stock, they should only get what they paid for them, not a dollar more or less. We are all in the same boat, lots of firearms owners are sitting on at least 50k in stuff they can not use. I rather turn my gun into an organization that i knows it values, like ####heads that are a doctors against guns or that polytenic group.
CSAAA Mission Statement
"To promote and protect the legal rights of manufacturers, importers, resellers and stakeholders in the Canadian shooting sports industry."
They should change their mission statement we want make as much money as possible off the consumer, and then sell out to the government because there is no more shooting sports.

Screw these companies, there is no science behind the gun ban, and yet they are willing to work with the government to destroy most of the shooting sports. Just to get some money for their stock that could not sell. (lets not forget about the year before the OIC when you could not find an AR because people were buying because of fear of a ban) I feel like I have been take advantage of by these companies, and I will no longer support them.

We all need to stand our ground, and not back down to the bullies.

Like a game of musical chairs retailers pissed at unsold stock, yet as you said more than happy to sell ar’s and handguns as quickly as possible, they couldn’t care less about the public and what the consumer gets “stuck” with.
Like a game of musical chairs retailers pissed at unsold stock, yet as you said more than happy to sell ar’s and handguns as quickly as possible, they couldn’t care less about the public and what the consumer gets “stuck” with.

So in the handgun panic buying, you wanted retailers to say, sorry, can't sell you one because Trudeau may ban it eventually?

The retailers didn't force you to buy them.
So in the handgun panic buying, you wanted retailers to say, sorry, can't sell you one because Trudeau may ban it eventually?

The retailers didn't force you to buy them.

I never bought one. Retail crying a river while forgetting about panic buying lol. Not the point the orgs purpose is to serve retail that’s it, now these clowns get caught in bed and are trying to save face.
They don’t give two sh*ts about repercussions or precedents of their actions on civilians
The government is the one putting the retailers and gun owners in this hell place. Remember. YOU DO NOT COLLABORATE WITH THE BULLY THAT KICKED YOU IN THE FACE IN THE FIRST PLACE.
CSAAA Mission Statement
"To promote and protect the legal rights of manufacturers, importers, resellers and stakeholders in the Canadian shooting sports industry."

Whenever I see the word, "stakeholder" I know I'm about to get raped by some gov a-hole or a group of entitled pricks, and only for their benefit.
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