Mathew Hipwell on the list

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The above is true.

But some stores can't afford to wait for jagmeets lips to get chapped. And the csaaa was doing what they were supposed to, which is support their industry. Everyone hear doesn't believe a word from the liberals, but they are instantly going to take this press release as the gospel? Read what the csaaa said, and see if it makes a bit more sense from a business point of view. Its not mandatory, its trying to maximize value for those who need it.

Your understanding of how the industry must be supported is highly subjective.

You still don't get it do you.

These businesses aren't on the verge of going under. Besides that, unsold inventory is a problem hardly limited to the firearms industry. In addition, these firearms can ALL be exported back to the US. This bailout money would be OUR money. WE still have tens of thousands of $$ of OiC paperweights. But WE aren't rolling over. The list goes on. I didn't even get into the fed court case implications.

CSAAA sold out the Canadian firearms industry, full stop.

I do know one store who will go out of business because of carrying costs, and thats of the 3 local stores i support (which will get worse with the pistol ban). I don't know the export procedures, but i do know the chinese guns can't go to the US, so thats a pretty big chunk of some peoples stocks. SO THEY CAN'T ALL BE EXPORTED BACK TO THE USA. And of those that could, its unlikely the market price increases make up the extra costs involved.

So you are saying that the govt was completely unable to do anything but now that the csaaa is onboard the buyback will be done by next Tuesday?

Obviously i don't understand how this has sold the industry out, from my point of view its providing an option for stores that would liketo get rid of the stock THAT THEY CURRENTLY CAN'T SELL.

And there are no federal court case implications, all the people saying that do not know crap about the law. The only changes that the judge can take into account, after submissions have end, is an actual change to legislation (which working with the csaaa isn't). They would have to pass a law that negates what the court challenge was about.
I do know one store who will go out of business because of carrying costs, and thats of the 3 local stores i support (which will get worse with the pistol ban). I don't know the export procedures, but i do know the chinese guns can't go to the US, so thats a pretty big chunk of some peoples stocks. SO THEY CAN'T ALL BE EXPORTED BACK TO THE USA. And of those that could, its unlikely the market price increases make up the extra costs involved.

So you are saying that the govt was completely unable to do anything but now that the csaaa is onboard the buyback will be done by next Tuesday?

Obviously i don't understand how this has sold the industry out, from my point of view its providing an option for stores that would liketo get rid of the stock THAT THEY CURRENTLY CAN'T SELL.

And there are no federal court case implications, all the people saying that do not know crap about the law. The only changes that the judge can take into account, after submissions have end, is an actual change to legislation (which working with the csaaa isn't). They would have to pass a law that negates what the court challenge was about.

Ok, I am wrong in that not ALL can get exported. You are right on that.

As for unsold inventory, my point remains the same. There are better ways to recoup costs than calling up the Feds. Imagine that.

RE court case implications - I know the system. I know that I would be naive to think that something like this could not at all factor in. Look at how we are here. Flawed, unjust systems.

Anyhow, we will have to agree to disagree.
All this inventory can be sold for parts. Probably end up getting more by selling the individual parts anyways.

OIC inventory has been on the shelves for 3 years now and whoever was financially unstable would have gone out of business by now. For me I consider this whole debacle as big FU to all of us.
$700,000 spread across all CSAAA members for their now prohib guns. Cutting the legs out from everyone with enough spine to say NO for such a pathetic amount of money is incredible. I would hope Matt did not vote yes towards such a ridiculous deal.
write it off as a business loss claim amount on taxes and put the 'book' value at 0

Exactly, it’s been 3 years now. If they were that hard up they would have been done for long ago.

This is a spineless, sellout move by all involved.

Considering the fact these rifles could have been stripped for parts and sold would have likely netted them 100% + in their costs.
The dealers have stuff in stock they can not legally sell. But they paid for it. The csaaa made it very clear (don't get all your info from cbc) that they engaged to ensure the best buyout price for these weapons, and that only dealers that wanted the option to have the govt buy back their stock would be taking part in this. There is no mandatory buy back, the csaas isn't involved in the process of receiving the guns and the entire part of their involvement was to provide dealers with another option to recover cost from stuck inventory.

2 points-

if a store needs or wants to get the oic stock off their books, its good of the csaaa to ensure the best price for the dealers. Its really difficult for a shop to afford to sit on stuff for years, cashflow depends on stock moving in and out. A store may have trouble managing a few hundred thousand in stock that they paid for, but can't get their money out. This may be one of the few options left to them (if it ever happens)

Its just stock, if the govt does the buyback and a new govt says its fine to sell these guns again, the factorys are still there, they can restock. I think people should try to look at this like a business decision to stay afloat instead of some betrayl. The melting (which will not happen btw, the govt just needed to show some forward motion on the file, its been 3years of missed deadlines, you suddenly expect things to go quickly?) of some t97s or m305s isn't the end of the world, the stores couldn't sell them to us anyway.

Funny how aggressive everyone has been on this, but nobody is providing ideas on how else to keep these businesses solvent. I can't pay my bills with 'principle', most creditors want money. The stores need to be realistic. And maybe, if they freed up some of the money invested in the OIC stock, they could buy firearms and related stuff that we could go into their stores and actually purchase...

Finally someone with sensibility
Not defending it, but the $700k isn't to buy the inventory... It's payment for a contract to figure out how much it's going to cost to buy the 11000 now prohib items back, and how to do it.

You still don't get it do you.

These businesses aren't on the verge of going under. Besides that, unsold inventory is a problem hardly limited to the firearms industry. In addition, these firearms can ALL be exported back to the US. This bailout money would be OUR money. WE still have tens of thousands of $$ of OiC paperweights. But WE aren't rolling over. The list goes on. I didn't even get into the fed court case implications.

CSAAA sold out the Canadian firearms industry, full stop.

You’re correct all these oic firearms can be exported back to the country of origin. I know I had arms east return my two stag 10 rifles and irun guns returned 5 of my ar 15 rifles back to the states they are all safe and sound in the good old U.S.A at my family’s place down there. So bottom line my rifles are all safe and sound and they won’t be included in any buyback numbers to make our government look successful with the endeavours
A mere $700,000 compared to the millions that have been donated to different organizations to fight C-21! Makes one wonder are there 2 sides in this fight or 3?

As someone who’s a licensed tradesman I’ve found private trade orgs, government ones (ministry of colleges and trades Ontario) standards organizations they’re all rackets who’s main goal is the continuation of itself, charities and ngo operate the same way.

Funny that csaaa dosent have funds to help it’s members and has to prostitute itself out to the liberals, almost like the org and it’s complicit board members have a venereal disease.
You’re correct all these oic firearms can be exported back to the country of origin. I know I had arms east return my two stag 10 rifles and irun guns returned 5 of my ar 15 rifles back to the states they are all safe and sound in the good old U.S.A at my family’s place down there. So bottom line my rifles are all safe and sound and they won’t be included in any buyback numbers to make our government look successful with the endeavours

Ryan H from SFRC said in his company's sub-forum that this is no longer possible as Biden's government enacted legislation that prevents certain kinds of firearms (what the US government deems "assault style") from being exported back to the US from Canadian dealers stuck with them. In other words the US will no longer receive these back.
Listening to the video post from Matt one part that stood out for me was at 1:45 when he states the CSAAA had communication with the Liberals regarding the buyback for retailers, Matt talks about a lack of communication and right there was the time the CSAAA should have informed the community they were actively negotiating with the Liberals in regards to the OIC and buyback and this entire issue could have been headed off but for the community to listen to Mendocino announce they have been working with the CSAAA was a punch in the face for the firearm community ! We all understand the reasoning behind it and we understand businesses have inventory they are forced to carry but by negotiating and working with the Liberals without informing the community is why there is so much outrage after the announcement by the Liberals !

Communication IS key and the CSAAA lack of communication with the firearms community regarding their dealing and negotiating with the Liberals behind the scene is where they made their mistake and this entirely the mistake of the CSAAA and while I understand the reason for their negotiations their entire lack of informing the community cannot be forgiven and they are now going to face the reaction from the community that feels it just got sucker punched again by Liberals in another attack on the community
Ryan H from SFRC said in his company's sub-forum that this is no longer possible as Biden's government enacted legislation that prevents certain kinds of firearms (what the US government deems "assault style") from being exported back to the US from Canadian dealers stuck with them. In other words the US will no longer receive these back.

Hmmm Canada's Liberals and US's Democrats both working simultaneously to band "assault-style" firearms. Same MO, same objectives, same ignorant politicians claiming an AR15 weighs as much as 10 moving boxes and shoots 50 BMG...coming off from New Zealand's efforts to also ban guns. Totally nothing to do with civil disarment and everything to do with "our safety", right? Right?
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