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Thread: Mathew Hipwell on the list

  1. #91
    CGN frequent flyer DBeato's Avatar
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    I've been shooting since 1987 and seen it all come and go. Nothing and mean nothing has pissed me off so bad as what happened last week. These guys deserve all the shame and more that has come their way.

  2. #92
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer Janeau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by groundrush View Post
    It seems a lot of people are falling victim to the division the government is creating. Divide and conquer works for the average voter and working for the gun owners too. This buy back program was going to go ahead with or without input from the firearms industry. Would everyone prefer CSAAA have stepped to the sidelines and watched the government assign members of PolySeSouvient to oversee a buyback program? The CSAAA were stuck between a rock and a hard place. It's members have volunteered much more time, effort and money than anyone on this list that is speaking ill of them.
    Have canadian businesses been making profit from gun sales? Of course. That's why they started a business. Have they been taking losses. Likely, that's part of running a business too. The alternative is to close up shop and leave other canadians with one less place to shop for their toys. A firearms business fighting to stay in business is fighting against the government. Even if they have to take a reluctant step backwards. Boycotting these businesses is helping the government out.
    I made a purchase the other day from SFOC to support Ryan Harriman. Once I get a bit of cash on hand, I'll be making a purchase from Wolverine to support Mathew Hipwell. Many thanks to both of them for the service they have provided.
    Anyone upset with the performance of CSAAA, I hear there are a couple vacancies available. Show us how you can do better.
    If you purchase anything from those business - you are dum…
    We all did support those dealers for years.

    Collectively - we have put millions of $ in those business. We have millions in our gun safe that cannot be used - same gun those turn coat sold us. While pro-gun org and individuals are in court to fight the IOC - those guys negotiated a contract to get our guns.

    Now they signed to deprive us of our property. They work with the Liberals and anti gun group. Fact.
    None of those individual and business are on our side. They had our support but siding with the Liberals against all gun owners is just that - betrayal and traitors to all.

    You do not understand that nobody in Canada accepted to participate in this. The Libs reached out to stores - gunsmiths - and even non gun business and nobody wanted to do anything with the gun grab program. Provinces that have the RCMP as main police force clearly indicated that the resources they have are for fighting crime not to grab gun from law abiding gun owner. They had a will but no mean to act.

    The anti gun org have no mean to collect or manage anything. You obviously do not know who Polysesouviens his. They are lobbyist paid by the Feds with our money. Thats all. They are a Quebec anti gun org and they cannot even think to manage a gun grab program.

    Saying we are better to be F###ed by the CSAAA than the liberals and the anti- gun org is just maddening. You are sick.

    As for Ray Harrimam and SFOC - he jumped the boat when he realized how this will harm his business. He was on the board for the whole year the CSAAA was negotiating and entering in a contract to manage the buy-grab back. He is as dirty than all those CSAAA board members.

    If you don’t understand this - you will never understand anything.

  3. #93
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer Janeau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hypox!a View Post
    What a massive oversight by the CSAAA for letting the Liberals control the narrative. How naive were they to think they wouldn't use them like fools.
    They were not used.
    They willingly entered in a contract - after over a year of negotiating - with the Liberals - to execute their gun grab program.
    This is not an oversight - they did it for money - greed.

  4. #94
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer Janeau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deadringer View Post
    It wasn't an overbuy, they bought according to the market and the the govt blindsided them with new rules.

    If a tire store buys tires for the winter, and then the government bans selling winter tires, do you expect him to just sit on half his yearly throughput for the next decade, or should he have the option to get rid of that stock and then restock with something he can sell?
    That they negotiated to get fair compensation for their inventory is one thing - they should even have sued the Libs over it. They were screwed by the Liberals - - the same Liberals they are now in bed with.

    They decided instead , to enter in a contract with the Liberal and anti-gun groups to manage their gun grab program, and this against the interest of all their clients - pro-gun org and individual that put time and money to fight the IOC.

    We have collectively millions of $ in our 1500 + IOC guns locked for 3 years in our gun safe. Gun they sold us- guns they made a profit on. They made record sales last year with the handgun freeze overpriced saga.
    I have no sympathy for those business.

    They can go bankrupt - perfect - other people and other ethic business will take over. There is no need for those business that are eating in the Liberals and anti-gun org hands. They betrayed all of us. They work with the Liberals. This cannot be denied.
    Last edited by Janeau; 04-30-2023 at 09:26 AM.

  5. #95
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    Who would have thought that the Liberals could make the CSSA go away by putting a measly $700K into a few pockets.

  6. #96
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    When you make a deal with the Devil all he wants is your soul.

  7. #97
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer medvedqc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ashwood View Post
    Who would have thought that the Liberals could make the CSSA go away by putting a measly $700K into a few pockets.
    well look how many on cgn only are waiting to know how much they re getting back from the gvt for their now prohibited toys ...

  8. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by ashwood View Post
    Who would have thought that the Liberals could make the CSSA go away by putting a measly $700K into a few pockets.
    NOT CSSA!!! How many times!

    Also I think some people deserve better than what I see. Divide and conquer is working!!

  9. #99
    Business Member
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    Cold and unforgiving Siberian tundra fighting bears with my bare hands.
    A response to some of various arguments made on this thread and others:

    #1) “The CSAAA is helping the Liberals take MY guns away!”
    The CSAAA did not negotiate to help confiscate guns from of individuals, they negotiated on behalf of businesses so that if the buyback program did go ahead they would receive a proper market value, rather than whatever the liberals dream up.

    #2) “Why don’t they just send them back to the USA?”
    A majority of firearms once exported out of the USA cannot be returned to be resold. This is due to US export regulations.

    #3) “They shouldn’t have brought so many guns in just to be stuck with them.”
    I can assure you that we did not bring in more guns than there was demand for. In fact our backorder lists indicate quite the opposite, we couldn’t bring enough in fast enough to keep them on the shelf most of the time!

    #4) “They are just greedy and don’t care about the rest of us!”
    That is simply an untrue statement (and an ad hominem assumption of motive). Our goal is to get as many guns into as many law abiding Canadians hands as possible. To do this to the best of our ability the business must be profitable. Yes there is money being made as this is a business. That money is being used to buy more inventory (more guns for the Canadian public), keep people gainfully employed and able to support their families, keep the lights on, and lobby for firearms rights.

    #5) “You should never surrender your guns or cooperate in any way”
    With this statement I can empathize. Every man or woman must have a line in the sand that they draw and say “enough is enough”. A proverbial Alamo if you will. Everyone’s life is different, and they have different priorities and responsibilities pulling them in different directions. The line in the sand for a single man living on his own might be different than the man who has a wife and kids he needs to care for, even if they 100% share all the same values. Drawing a line in the sand over your own ability to use and keep your own personal individual pieces property, is something I do respect. However are you willing to extend that line in the sand to include a business? There are implications to what I’m saying here that I’m going to avoid stating plainly.

    So the choices becomes simple, do you:
    A) Do everything you can to continue the business cycle as outlined above and get as many guns into Canadian hands as possible, and recoup costs incurred from frozen inventory as best you can.
    B) Sit on the dead inventory out of principle and do your best to continue doing business despite the losses (if your business is able get past the financial detriment, not all can).

    In my opinion I wouldn’t think any less of a business owner for take either of these options. Only they have the complete picture and the answers to all the variables with which to make an informed decision. I don’t think our first reaction should be to grab pitch forks and torches.

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