A Message from Matt Hipwell

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About the only thing that needs to be said, IMO, is "thank you, Mr. Wolverine, for your courage, tenacity... and financial and moral support of Canadian gun owners."

You've had more skin in this game than all your detractors, and we aren't privy to the kind of exposure your business has. No-one has the right to question your decision.

I would like to ask your opinion on "what happens next". If the CSAAA rescinds this agreement, or even if it folds due to the fallout, what do you think Marco's next play will be?

(I ask this knowing full well that I'm not owed an answer, and understand if you choose not to reply)
What's the practical difference between this and if there had been no deal/contract though?

I mean I get the symbolic win for the govt but whats the real world impact vs if this hadn't happened?

Thats not a symbolic win..the CSAAA negotiated a collaborative 700k contract with the Libs when everybody - small shop - gunsmith and even non gun business refused to be part of it in the past. The Libs can now claim and they do - the industry is onboard and agree those guns are not to be in the hand of civilian..just when many individual and business are in court to beat that IOC…great timing.

It’s a major political win for the Libs and antis.

The CSAAA put inventory compensation on the table in return of a collaborative 700k contract - working against all gun owners in that action. The dealers have inventory - we have millions of $ in our safe purchased from the same dealers. This should have been the main concern.

Wolverine did more than many in protecting our right in the past - but they just blew up that history by being part of that CSAAA travesty.
We also did our parts by buying and supporting Wolverine and most of those members on the CSAAA board that just stabbed us in the back.

I have no sympathy for CSAAA members that participated - negotiated and agreed to that contract - knowing very well they were participating in the Libs gun grab and undermining ongoing court challenges.

The damage is done.
Just walk away from the mess your created, at least your getting paid for the inventory no one wanted. If you want to save face, disband the CSAAA. At no point facilitating a buy back with the government is with in the mission statement of the CSAAA.

"To promote and protect the legal rights of manufacturers, importers, resellers and stakeholders in the Canadian shooting sports industry."
There is no difference in a retailer or a gun nut that cant sell or use there property.

The CSAAA just sold out the shooting sports.

I won't spend another dime in one of these stores epically with the one that have walked away from their mess. Thank for profiter, off of law abiding citizens, I hope your business goes bankrupt.
Thats not a symbolic win..the CSAAA negotiated a collaborative 700k contract with the Libs when everybody - small shop - gunsmith and even non gun business refused to be part of it in the past. The Libs can now claim and they do - the industry is onboard and agree those guns are not to be in the hand of civilian..just when many individual and business are in court to beat that IOC…great timing.

It’s a major political win for the Libs and antis.

The damage is done.


So who is going to be acting differently now, thanks to this PR win? Its going to sway the judges? Its going to make people vote Liberal?

"Dammit, well here I was gonna vote CPC because those gun store owners weren't taking the payout! But now that they are, go Justin"?

The judges gonna switch from ruling against the bans to going along with it now because some gun stores want payouts? "Well, we thought it was illegal but since they actually propose how much money they want for the merchandise that was going to be confiscated with compensation anyway...."

The court cases really hinged on everyone saying "no" to the money?
When they plaster the media with "Gun organization to help Liberals with buyback" it has the potential to. It hints at legitimacy to their illegitimate ban.

So it'll influence the judges subliminally and make them stop looking at the case rationally...

At least that IS proposing how this affects someone who matters. Kudos for that. I'd like to think a judge can handle thoughts more complex than a #### and Jane book but then, look at their rulings sometimes lol. I can understand that one.

So who is going to be acting differently now, thanks to this PR win? Its going to sway the judges? Its going to make people vote Liberal?

"Dammit, well here I was gonna vote CPC because those gun store owners weren't taking the payout! But now that they are, go Justin"?

It’s clear you are not grasping at all what happened and consequences of the CSAAA actions.

Fortunately, the gun owners - lawyers and people involved in the different court chalenge do realize the effect of that collaboration contract have and will have on the gun-grab agenda. The Medicino media show clearly was made to tell all Canadian (general public) the gun industry was for, and agreed the IOC guns are not for civilian.

Thats a major win - public opinion do matters - we have seen it with C21 G4 on hunting guns. Judge do not live in closed boxes - they are influenced by the same factors we are - see and ear same we do.

You do not and you probably have no IOC guns - money tied up in guns - time and support money to the different court chalenges - so you don’t understand what it mean.

Yes..we should act differently with people - business and org that work against gun owners interest by collaborating with the Libs in implementing their gun grab plans.

Starting by boycotting the business of those CSAAA members who got involved - negotiated and agreed to that contract is a way to clearly let them know we do not agree with their actions. Money talk.

They put themselves in the position to be associated with the Libs gun grab program. They are in it now - in bed with the Libs - negotiated contract over many months - in hand to prove it.

The CSAAA claim, on their web site - representing the industry and are the voices of all hunters and sport shooters. They are not.
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It’s clear you are not grasping at all what happened and consequences of the CSAAA actions.
I think it’s a waste of time trying to make you undestand.

Or you've articulated it very poorly, if at all, and its a waste of time asking you to.
Says the guy who continues to provide no plausible way this harms us.

You can't articulate how or you would have by now.

Articulate what everyone else has already posted repeatedly and is evident from the media coverage but you insist just isn't true?
No thanks
Articulate what everyone else has already posted repeatedly and is evident from the media coverage but you insist just isn't true?
No thanks

"I would but I just don't want to"


You coulda been the first in this thread but you didn't then either. Except so far, only one person actually HAS besides just saying "this is bad!"
You're the one who can't point out actual harm this causes. I'm asking about the practical harm this causes. I know. Speaking practically without rhetoric is hard.

Hahaha your one to talk about rhetoric... maybe you can lend me the crystal ball that tells you "they are going to steal them anyway", are you saying there's no point to the court case against the feds? Do you know the outcome already? You must know something we don't...
Blah, Blah, Blah...

These people want us to feel sorry for them?! Or appreciate all the great things they've done for themselves, er..., I mean us! LMAO. I did this, and I did that, I used to be these, I, I, I...so much bull$hit his eyes are faqing brown!

Faq 'em all!
So it'll influence the judges subliminally and make them stop looking at the case rationally...

At least that IS proposing how this affects someone who matters. Kudos for that. I'd like to think a judge can handle thoughts more complex than a #### and Jane book but then, look at their rulings sometimes lol. I can understand that one.


lol "muh judges" you know they don't want you having a firearm of any kind right? they're as pro gun as a profession as the RCMP

lol "muh judges" you know they don't want you having a firearm of any kind right? they're as pro gun as a profession as the RCMP

Then that proves my point and the whole CSAAA thing doesn't matter, does it?

Where, please oh please, show me, where did I say the judges would be fair to gun owners? I'll give you my whole collection right now lol. The idea that the judges WOULD have found for us and now won't isn't even my idea, dude. L86 put it forward.

Are you capable of reading/thinking above a grade 5 level?
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