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Alberta Tactical Rifle Supply wants it known that they have never been a member of CSAAA and strongly feels that CSAAA has betrayed the Canadian gun culture.
Further it is my belief that CSAAA should be disbanded for collaborating with the lieberal regime to the detriment of the very culture they claimed to be looking out for.

Short and sweet, no BS statement.

Very nice.
I think most of the angry customers are of the far right persuasion. Probably hate Biden, love Trump. Without our dealers and distributors we will only recycle what is already in the country. If they go broke the government has won.

Tell me you vote for the NDP without telling me you voted NDP.
I think most of the angry customers are of the far right persuasion. Probably hate Biden, love Trump. Without our dealers and distributors we will only recycle what is already in the country. If they go broke the government has won.

So what are you trying to say? Just come out and say it…
I think most of the angry customers are of the far right persuasion. Probably hate Biden, love Trump. Without our dealers and distributors we will only recycle what is already in the country. If they go broke the government has won.
Wow! Just wow Saskdude. You used 3 far left talking points loaded in one post. Trudeau, Marco and Blair write this one for you?
I believe in all sincerity that they started out with the best of intentions, but got sucked in by marco and his merry band of morons. The part that bothers me is the total lack of transparency for over a year to the members of the CSAAA.

Reading through all the various threads however is disturbing to think that so many in our culture believe that huge international corporations like Vista had any clue what was going on up here. I wonder if they even know where Canada is on the map? I believe that their employee who sat at the table, assuming he was present during the secret meetings should be held accountable as should all board members who were involved. Blaming the board members employer to me makes no sense unless there is some proof of their complicity in this mess.

Maybe we should be contacting Vista's corporate office to find out where they stand. In my opinion heads should roll.

you put it much more eloquently than I have in my posts but our thoughts are the same.
It's the individuals at the table for the last year that colluded with the enemy behind our backs.
Some are comparing a boycott to "cancel culture"..... two very different things which i won't define here but if as you say, the companies these people represent sanctioned the colluding with the enemy, then yes, a boycott is absolutely prudent.

Thanks for your ongoing support of all firearms owners.
LOL..VOTED CONSERVATIVE all my life but will never buy in to Trumpian, Maverik Party or PPC politics. IT'S a losing battle. We are a centre left country with no Second Amendment. The more the radicals flip out the more the middle swings left. I literally shoot thousands of rounds of centerfire a year at paper and steel and can't stand the NDP or Liberal. I'm also beyond name calling and calling for a revolution, that will guarantee lefty wins. IM PRO business and understand these dealer distributors want to be compensated. I, for one, don't think that they eat the cost of prohibited firearms and negotiating really doesn't hurt my feelings.
What's the closest that gun owners came to having the upper hand in this?
The day that the C-21 Amendments died.
Once average Canadians were seeing that Trudeau's policy had jumped the shark and was going after hunters, it was unreasonable.
Seeing Trudeau going after "normal" Canadians, people questioned the connection to public safety.
Without that connection, it appeared arbitrary and then losing support of MPs, it became a matter of agenda.

That's when we were winning.
Simply put, we need to communicate and reinforce that perception of Trudeau's policy: unreasonable, against normal Canadians and arbitrary.

For over a year, CSAAA has contrived to make Trudeau's policy appear reasonable, acceptable for normal Canadians, and rational.
They've totally taken the legs out from under our messaging.
LOL..VOTED CONSERVATIVE all my life but will never buy in to Trumpian, Maverik Party or PPC politics. IT'S a losing battle. We are a centre left country with no Second Amendment. The more the radicals flip out the more the middle swings left. I literally shoot thousands of rounds of centerfire a year at paper and steel and can't stand the NDP or Liberal. I'm also beyond name calling and calling for a revolution, that will guarantee lefty wins. IM PRO business and understand these dealer distributors want to be compensated. I, for one, don't think that they eat the cost of prohibited firearms and negotiating really doesn't hurt my feelings.

Ah, one of the fabled, "Hey look guise I'm totally a CONSERVATIVE, buuuuuuuut..." gun owners. Take your pessimism elsewhere.
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Thanks ATRS. Your support means a lot. Will be looking at your shop in the future when I go to purchase my scope.:d
I think most of the angry customers are of the far right persuasion. Probably hate Biden, love Trump. Without our dealers and distributors we will only recycle what is already in the country. If they go broke the government has won.

You're a remedial Liberal. Biden is trying to do the same in the US. This is the dumbest statement I've read in awhile. Give your head a shake bud, you are definitely not one of us.
So you think that they should take one for the shooting community? Sadly, with the current polling, the Liberals and NDP will retain majority power. The Conservatives should win a minority(barring infighting and far right parties splitting the vote) but for those who think this stink is going away..good luck don't hold your breath.⁷
So you think that they should take one for the shooting community? Sadly, with the current polling, the Liberals and NDP will retain majority power. The Conservatives should win a minority(barring infighting and far right parties splitting the vote) but for those who think this stink is going away..good luck don't hold your breath.⁷

"Take one" what are you talking about. There are individuals who have more $$ tied up in OiC bans than some retailers. If you think the CSAAA was doing this for any other reason than personal gain and at the expense of individuals you are mistaken.

The CSAAA was attempting to compromise with a known corrupt entity.
"Take one" what are you talking about. There are individuals who have more $$ tied up in OiC bans than some retailers. If you think the CSAAA was doing this for any other reason than personal gain and at the expense of individuals you are mistaken.

The CSAAA was attempting to compromise with a known corrupt entity.

Compromise and corrupt will never go together.

Marco capitalized on it and the CSAAA got played. Marco was already having a press conference even before CSAAA can make their morning coffee.
Alberta Tactical Rifle Supply wants it known that they have never been a member of CSAAA and strongly feels that CSAAA has betrayed the Canadian gun culture.
Further it is my belief that CSAAA should be disbanded for collaborating with the lieberal regime to the detriment of the very culture they claimed to be looking out for.

Thank you for this. Speaking as someone who feels like I just took a really stiff kick in the nards from the CSAAA and all the business' that supported this, I appreciate that there are business' out there with some integrity left.
I am a strong believer in Western unification and standing strong against the east, and to have a western business throw us under the bus like that really cuts deep to me.
Rest assured that I will be supporting western business' that, like ATR, have integrity and will not sell us out for a quick buck.
Just like a voter can't complain about the government formed by the party he voted for, CSAAA members signed off on it, took money for it, and have put themselves in the position where they cannot complain about the gun ban.
You're part of the problem.
Alberta Tactical Rifle Supply wants it known that they have never been a member of CSAAA and strongly feels that CSAAA has betrayed the Canadian gun culture.
Further it is my belief that CSAAA should be disbanded for collaborating with the lieberal regime to the detriment of the very culture they claimed to be looking out for.

So I hear from a guy in my gun club that you like to take people's money and not ship any products! Interesting!
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