Epps on gunnuts?

so by keeping the site sponsors that supported CSAAA it seems to me that CGN also supports them as well - I read that site sponsors were kicked off the site for far less? Just trying to line up my ducks in a row.

The mess the CSAAA created belongs to the CSAAA alone and it is on them to deal with the repercussions they created.

As far as banners on CGN go, (I can only assume as we as Mods have nothing to do with the business end) I imagine there are contracts and conditions WRT to having a banner on CGN.

The decision the CSAAA made was done in the CSAAA's name and not in Epp's name so if CGN members have an issue with the businesses represented by the CSAAA that are in support of their recent contract with the govt they should take it up with that business. The entire fiasco has NOTHING to do with CGN.
Who says CSAAA is a non profit org ? Hard to argue they are when ALLL of them are in business .
And consider the $700K contract…

The Board - including Wes - negotiated that contract - they are fully liable for it.
If it was done without consulting their membership - the members just have to get the board out and elect another one that will have the brain to cancel it.

Even non profits have to pay people for their time, have to pay for property. None of the board of directors are paid for anything. But if you are highering people they get paid. A non profit just doesnt aim to make a profit.

Anything voted on would be brought to the voting members attention for them to look over. It is voted on, and the director/president is bound by the way the vote goes. The director/president generally doesnt vote unless there is a tie.
The mess the CSAAA created belongs to the CSAAA alone and it is on them to deal with the repercussions they created.

As far as banners on CGN go, (I can only assume as we as Mods have nothing to do with the business end) I imagine there are contracts and conditions WRT to having a banner on CGN.

The decision the CSAAA made was done in the CSAAA's name and not in Epp's name so if CGN members have an issue with the businesses represented by the CSAAA that are in support of their recent contract with the govt they should take it up with that business. The entire fiasco has NOTHING to do with CGN.

thank you for your reply I already do not deal with any businesses that are part of CSAAA
Even non profits have to pay people for their time, have to pay for property. None of the board of directors are paid for anything. But if you are highering people they get paid. A non profit just doesnt aim to make a profit.

Anything voted on would be brought to the voting members attention for them to look over. It is voted on, and the director/president is bound by the way the vote goes. The director/president generally doesnt vote unless there is a tie.

Everything you said is correct but has no relevance to what happened. Some board members made a secret deal with Mendocino’s office, signed a NDA to that agreement and brought it to a vote. It didn’t pass on the first vote so after more discussion it passed another vote unanimously.

It appears that not all on the board knew of all the details of the NDA and resigned afterwards. Or maybe they did know more that they’re saying but resigned to save face, who knows.

The bottom line is Mendocino has proudly stated that he’s very pleased that the CSAAA have partnered up with the government to go ahead with the gun confiscation program which is more than a bit of a problem with most of us.
Everything you said is correct but has no relevance to what happened. Some board members made a secret deal with Mendocino’s office, signed a NDA to that agreement and brought it to a vote. It didn’t pass on the first vote so after more discussion it passed another vote unanimously.

It appears that not all on the board knew of all the details of the NDA and resigned afterwards. Or maybe they did know more that they’re saying but resigned to save face, who knows.

The bottom line is Mendocino has proudly stated that he’s very pleased that the CSAAA have partnered up with the government to go ahead with the gun confiscation program which is more than a bit of a problem with most of us.

The problem of course. Is going along with this is totaly voluntary to the businesses involved. Has nothing to do with the individuals only businesses (including distributors) busineses really have no options here.

The last one they told the government to go take a flying fck at a rolling doughnut on was the walther g22 bullpup 22lr. They told the govt to pound sand.. the next week they found all their import permits canceled.
The problem of course. Is going along with this is totaly voluntary to the businesses involved. Has nothing to do with the individuals only businesses (including distributors) busineses really have no options here.

The last one they told the government to go take a flying fck at a rolling doughnut on was the walther g22 bullpup 22lr. They told the govt to pound sand.. the next week they found all their import permits canceled.

It might be voluntary to the businesses involved but the contract calls for the CSAAA to report a business as non voluntarily complying.

Yes, this is a business issue only (for now) but the big issue is the CSAAA made the gun ban and confiscation legitimacy in the eyes of the government and Mendocino made that clear that this agreement was a first step in the total confiscation program. We all know what that means.

If the CSAAA though that their agreement with the devil would only affect them and their members, they were extremely short sighted. As Mendocino stated, this was the first step.

There’s a board member that voted for this plan which actually gives legitimacy to the buyback and confiscation program while at the same time his father is fighting in the courts to argue non legitimacy of the gun ban and confiscation program. Certainly makes one wonder…
It might be voluntary to the businesses involved but the contract calls for the CSAAA to report a business as non voluntarily complying.

Yes, this is a business issue only (for now) but the big issue is the CSAAA made the gun ban and confiscation legitimacy in the eyes of the government and Mendocino made that clear that this agreement was a first step in the total confiscation program. We all know what that means.

If the CSAAA though that their agreement with the devil would only affect them and their members, they were extremely short sighted. As Mendocino stated, this was the first step.

There’s a board member that voted for this plan which actually gives legitimacy to the buyback and confiscation program while at the same time his father is fighting in the courts to argue non legitimacy of the gun ban and confiscation program. Certainly makes one wonder…

No. They are just saying who is complying. The government has a list of businesses since they give the licensing out. They are giving the govt a list of those businesses that want to go along with it. They arent telling the govt who isnt complying. The government would know either way.

And having delt with other businesses, it is very true that a lot of firearms businesses honestly havent a clue what they have in stock.

As for the legal battles. Not to be a naysayer, but with the judges bought and paid for by the liberal government, we know how the legal challenges are going to go. Look at any of the fights against them in the ladt 2 years. Especially the trucker convoy and the emergency act use.
No. They are just saying who is complying. The government has a list of businesses since they give the licensing out. They are giving the govt a list of those businesses that want to go along with it. They arent telling the govt who isnt complying. The government would know either way.

And having delt with other businesses, it is very true that a lot of firearms businesses honestly havent a clue what they have in stock.

As for the legal battles. Not to be a naysayer, but with the judges bought and paid for by the liberal government, we know how the legal challenges are going to go. Look at any of the fights against them in the ladt 2 years. Especially the trucker convoy and the emergency act use.

It sounds like you were given the coles notes version of the contract from your employer. The contract has been posted and it has more details that’s worth looking at.

Many businesses have condemned the collaboration and posted their displeasure publicly. An Alberta former CSAAA member said this about the contract;

We were a member up until the morning this came out (like most commercial firearms related businesses in Canada)
We were blindsided - we actually had a customer who worked here a few years ago tell us what was happening. We were never consulted or informed about what was going on and its seems this collaboration started many months ago.
We are totally against any collaboration with any government who is attempting to confiscate any legally owned firearms from Canadian citizens.
That is the position of PR. Please feel free to post here or PM if further clarification is required.

ive read the Tasks. and im not seeing what you are talking about honestly. i see the csaaa will be provided with a list of all distributors/ manufacturers/ and stores by the government for them to contact. and that the csaaa will submit completed inventories to the government. other than that. i dont see where it says they will snitch on those that dont wish to take part. if you can provide me with the section that is stated in.
ive read the Tasks. and im not seeing what you are talking about honestly. i see the csaaa will be provided with a list of all distributors/ manufacturers/ and stores by the government for them to contact. and that the csaaa will submit completed inventories to the government. other than that. i dont see where it says they will snitch on those that dont wish to take part. if you can provide me with the section that is stated in.

4.6.3 The Contractor must follow up with non-responsive businesses and those having submitted
incomplete data. The Contractor must provide the PA information on unresponsive
businesses as part of the bi-weekly Inventory Report
For those of us that aren't on here very day, what have they done? They are my local gun store so curious.

CSAAA (the Canadian Sporting Arms & Ammunition Association) has sold out to Trudeau's Liberal government as it struggles to implement Bill C-21. It now stands to profit by collecting a commission for every firearm it helps the government confiscate. It will also report on any gun stores that do not fully comply with their requests for data. In addition, they will even be supervising the destruction our confiscated property.

The Contractor must perform the following tasks:
4.1 Within one week of contract award, the Contractor must attend a kick-off meeting with the PS Project Authority (PA), and other stakeholders where required, to discuss the requirements unde the Prime Minister’s mandate as well as a proposed approach and methodology to achieve the objectives stated above.

4.2 Based on the kick-off meeting and a review of the background materials, PS will review and approve the approach and methodology to compile necessary data by the Contractor to allow PS to calculate the average pricing for the prohibited firearms. The Contractor must develop and provide PS with an inventory report template (to include, at minimum, the suggested data fields under Appendix A) that will serve as a baseline for the data fields to be collected and then validated by PS.

4.3 PS will review the proposed inventory report template, amend as necessary and send changes to the Contractor for input. The Contractor must incorporate changes accordingly and complete the final version of the template for each channel submission (manufacturers, distributors and retailers). The Contractor must seek final sign off from the PA.

4.4 The PA will provide written approval on the proposed approach and methodology by the Contractor to reach out to manufacturers, distributors and retailers. The collected data, which includes each individual firearm and component part and a list of recoverable expenses, will then be compiled under an “Inventory Template” to be used to conduct the work under this requirement.

4.5 The Contractor must develop a communication and engagement strategy that outlines:
4.5.1 How manufacturers, distributors and retailers in the firearm industry will be initially contacted,communicated with and information exchanged;
4.5.2 The specific communication with all manufacturers, distributors and retailers, including those which are not members of the CSAAA, about the process to collect inventory data and how the inventory will be costed;
4.5.3 The responsibility to initiate communication with approximately 2600 firearms businesses(provide a tracking list and supporting evidence with exact date/time) in order to collect the required information.

4.6 The Contractor must coordinate the collection of all information:
4.6.1 Once PS’s approval is granted, the Contractor must dispatch the inventory report template to all businesses (CSAAA members and non-members);
4.6.2 The Contractor must collect all completed inventory reports from its members and nonmembers and perform quality assurance and validation before submitting the inventory report to PS.

The Contractor must provide a Quality Assurance Report outlining how information received from businesses was validated and, where required, challenged for accuracy.The Contractor must also include in the Quality Assurance Report recommendations on how to address any discrepancies in the collected data;

4.6.3 The Contractor must follow up with non-responsive businesses and those having submitted incomplete data. The Contractor must provide the PA information on unresponsive businesses as part of the bi-weekly Inventory Report (or upon request);File No. 0D160-233228Page 10 of - de 15
4.6.4 The Contractor must provide information on proof of destruction (in accordance with the Firearms Act) and share this validation with PS as part of the information submitted by each business.;
4.6.5 The Contractor must collect data related to each channel’s capacity to recycle and the associated costs. The information must be part of the Inventory Report as well.

4.6.3 The Contractor must follow up with non-responsive businesses and those having submitted
incomplete data. The Contractor must provide the PA information on unresponsive
businesses as part of the bi-weekly Inventory Report

So.. they have to say they havent heard anything from them. Doesnt say they have to say they arent complying. Just they arent communicating with the csaaa... thats all it legally says there. Thats all they are legally bound to do.
So.. they have to say they havent heard anything from them. Doesnt say they have to say they arent complying. Just they arent communicating with the csaaa... thats all it legally says there. Thats all they are legally bound to do.

Yeah. Businesses that don't respond to the communication or submit incomplete data are non-compliant. And the CSAAA's job is to report them.

That's called being a snitch!

Also, Wes originally said that this agreement the CSAAA had with the Libs was to involve only voluntary participation of retailers.

If the CSAAA is snitching on non-compliant businesses, participation hardly seems voluntary
Yeah. Businesses that don't respond to the communication or submit incomplete data are non-compliant. And the CSAAA's job is to report them.

That's called being a snitch!

Also, Wes originally said that this agreement the CSAAA had with the Libs was to involve only voluntary participation of retailers.

If the CSAAA is snitching on non-compliant businesses, participation hardly seems voluntary

The government is giving them a list of all businesses to contact. The government kniws who all the business is. You act like the government doesnt know where all the businesses are.

They dont need to say they arent compliant. They say they havent got ahold of them. Doesnt mean #### other than that they havent got in contact with them.
The government is giving them a list of all businesses to contact. The government kniws who all the business is. You act like the government doesnt know where all the businesses are.

They dont need to say they arent compliant. They say they havent got ahold of them. Doesnt mean #### other than that they havent got in contact with them.

The only way the Gov would know all the businesses to even "create a list", is to ask the people who have the list in the first place. The CSAAA .

The government doesn't know S without them, If they did they wouldn't need the CSAAA
The only way the Gov would know all the businesses to even "create a list", is to ask the people who have the list in the first place. The CSAAA .

The government doesn't know S without them, If they did they wouldn't need the CSAAA

*blink* so... you are trying to tell me... the government... that issues businesses their licenses with all their contact information... the government that has a list of all the registered firearms from the OIC... wouldnt have a list of all licensed businesses in canada....

Let me just try and process that for a second here....
Art of War 101: Divide & Conquer. This decades old political hot potato has done nothing more than make a very few a$$holes rich while slowly killing the firearms community by a thousand underhanded illegal ("legally" legislated) cuts and divide the remaining cross sectional firearm owners/ user groups; ie, "Well, they ain't never goin' to come fer my deer rifle, and why on earth wud anybody need one of them thar au..to..ma..teeks?". Capitulation by any other name, divided we fall.
We, as a collective society have never been anything more than the characters portrayed by George Carlin in his infamous "Dumb Americans" skit; doomed to repeat, when does anyone figure they'll be finished all the underground networks around the world in preparation to stow away the privileged while the surface burns?
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