Aimpoint ARCO P-2 FDE

Nordic Marksman

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We just received 2 of these.
We will not see them again. Pretty rare Aimpoint. The US did not even get any of these.

Click on the photo to take you to them.

PAL Required – Requires a valid PAL to purchase - High end optics tend to be popular for fraudulent online purchases, so to verify the purchase we now require the purchaser to enter their PAL during check out.

That's a big nope.
If you guys don't like it, use EMT. Nordic and other retailers can't afford nor should they be expected to be out the value of high end optics everything someone reverses fraudulent charges which as noted is common on high end optics due to the nature of being easy to flip.
If you guys don't like it, use EMT. Nordic and other retailers can't afford nor should they be expected to be out the value of high end optics everything someone reverses fraudulent charges which as noted is common on high end optics due to the nature of being easy to flip.

Didn't take long for the shills to make an excuses.

I just spent $3500 on a washer and dryer combo from a local shop. Payed with credit card and guess what? They didn't ask for any additional identification! Not even my social or drivers license. Can you believe it?

I fully understand that fraud occurs, that's why business insurance exists and credit card companies investigate these matters. A red-dot is not a controlled or prohibited device in Canada.

You should be concerned relinquishing your sensitive personal information for mundane everyday purchases.

Especially when the websites are run by tech illiterate Boomers, with outdated SSL certs and PHP2.0 back-ends. (Not Nordic just general gun industry)
Didn't take long for the shills to make an excuses.

I just spent $3500 on a washer and dryer combo from a local shop. Payed with credit card and guess what? They didn't ask for any additional identification! Not even my social or drivers license. Can you believe it?

I fully understand that fraud occurs, that's why business insurance exists and credit card companies investigate these matters. A red-dot is not a controlled or prohibited device in Canada.

You should be concerned relinquishing your sensitive personal information for mundane everyday purchases.

Especially when the websites are run by tech illiterate Boomers, with outdated SSL certs and PHP2.0 back-ends. (Not Nordic just general gun industry)

The Liberals have brought in more fraudsters than doctors, can you really blame the industry for doing something to protect themselves ?
The Liberals have brought in more fraudsters than doctors, can you really blame the industry for doing something to protect themselves ?

Same logic applies to the fraudsters trying to steal your identity and sell your gun license info to the highest bidder.

Ask all the dudes who got CC info stolen at FoC if they feel comfortable uploading PAL info for common purchases. :rolleyes:
If you guys don't like it, use EMT. Nordic and other retailers can't afford nor should they be expected to be out the value of high end optics everything someone reverses fraudulent charges which as noted is common on high end optics due to the nature of being easy to flip.

$900 is high end? Won’t a $5000 S&B all the way up to a $12,000 Hensoldt, would be considered high end. Anyway just bought an optic from Blackbox using cc. No other b.s. was required. They sent me a tracking number. I received a tracking confirmation email with my signature showing delivered after I picked it up from my post office. So I can’t see how they would be on the hook if I was a douchebag and tried to tell my cc company I never received it. Anyway who am I to tell a business how to do business and as consumers we have choices where to spend our money.
$900 is high end? Won’t a $5000 S&B all the way up to a $12,000 Hensoldt, would be considered high end. Anyway just bought an optic from Blackbox using cc. No other b.s. was required. They sent me a tracking number. I received a tracking confirmation email with my signature showing delivered after I picked it up from my post office. So I can’t see how they would be on the hook if I was a douchebag and tried to tell my cc company I never received it. Anyway who am I to tell a business how to do business and as consumers we have choices where to spend our money.

BB does the same #### with gun parts.
Even if you provided your P.A.L could you not just pull the same scam anyway?

Pretty slick unit though...
EMT, and everyone is happy.

Unless something happens and you need to do a chargeback. It's stupid to put the onus on your customers instead of being more diligent yourself. It's incredibly easy to pull off fraud using a PAL since they are probably the least secure form of ID beyond a frigging bus pass.
Didn't take long for the shills to make an excuses.

I just spent $3500 on a washer and dryer combo from a local shop. Payed with credit card and guess what? They didn't ask for any additional identification! Not even my social or drivers license. Can you believe it?

I fully understand that fraud occurs, that's why business insurance exists and credit card companies investigate these matters. A red-dot is not a controlled or prohibited device in Canada.

You should be concerned relinquishing your sensitive personal information for mundane everyday purchases.

Especially when the websites are run by tech illiterate Boomers, with outdated SSL certs and PHP2.0 back-ends. (Not Nordic just general gun industry)

Lol. Right. I like how even though I've been here 6 years longer than you I'm considered a shill for pointing out the obvious despite having only ever had one average dealing with Nordic Marksman in the past.

The real problem here is that most folks who carry this attitude have never had to look at it from a retailer perspective and for that reason you carry a certain level of entitlement. If you guys want retailers to not take steps to protect themselves, realize that prices will have to go up exponentially to cover losses, which will result in them going out of business, and then you will be back to #####ing about how you can't get what you want the way you want it.

You'll notice I didn't say that you should give them your pal details, rather I pointed out that if that is not preferable to you that there is another option that does not require it. But now you guys are #####ing about how that doesn't offer credit card protections... then give them your pal details and have your credit card protections.

For those that are wondering, the purpose of the pal details is that retailers can see your home address on the back end of the Canadian Firearms Program when they enter in your pal details and confirm that it matches with your shipping address that you put in when purchasing said optic/accessory. This is an easy and relatively painless way for retailors to get reassurance that the credit card being used for the purchase and the shipping address all match up so that the likelihood of a fraudulent charge resulting in a charge back.

It's a completely reasonable ask on the retailers part and if you guys don't want to participate in it in order to use your credit cards then just default back to the standard of using cash or the digital version which is e-transfer.

Optics in particular are extremely susceptible to being easily flipped on the second hand Market both here on cgn and the various sites like #######, townpost, etc. The easiest to flip are going to be the high quality brand names with values between $500 to $2000, which is what I meant by high-end versus something like holosun optics or equivalent.

Like I said the level of entitlement being displayed here is ridiculous. These are safety measures set out by Nordic to protect themselves in order to stay in business. If you don't like it use one of the other payment methods or move on, unless you want to offer to personally reimburse them for every fraudulent charge that gets reversed?
Like I said the level of entitlement being displayed here is ridiculous. These are safety measures set out by Nordic to protect themselves in order to stay in business. If you don't like it use one of the other payment methods or move on, unless you want to offer to personally reimburse them for every fraudulent charge that gets reversed?

Yes, safety measures that transfer the onus to the customer. If entitlement means not having to deal with identify theft because retailers are requiring more and more sensitive information, then I suppose a lot of us are entitled.
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