Shooters Box Shotgun Adapters

Dang! Gone!

Okay, so I apparently need to check the website several times per day...rather than merely every single day...:(

Any idea of future shipments?
Just checked out the Shotgun Box website; they have some interesting adaptors shown there. How about .45ACP or .45Colt in a 577/450 Martini-Henry? Or .32ACP in a .303Brit?

Gotta be careful when ordering, many of these adaptors are offered in both rifled and smoothbore versions, make sure you get the type you want.

I am looking forward to trying .357Mag and 9mm in some of my 12-gauges. A SxS or O/U double with a .357Mag in one barrel and a 12gauge (or even .410 with another adaptor) in the other barrel, equipped with open sights on the rib, could be a fun and very utilitarian "backyard pest" gun. And I have a few boxes of .22 birdshot loads that might be fun out of a 12-gauge barrel with a .22 smoothbore adaptor. I already have doubles that I have modified with rifle sights for slug use....hmmm...:)

I've always wanted to shoot House Sparrows and Starlings with a dedicated Cape Gun...:)
I bought two 12ga-22lr to use in my sulun ss221 and both adapters consistently require two strikes to work. It almost seems like the first strike seats the casing down where it wants to be, then the 2nd strike ignites the primer. Pretty useless having to break open and #### it twice every time. I was using winchester bulk 22lr and never had it fire on the first try within 20 attempts, always 2nd try. Will try another brand of ammo when i get around to it, as well as another shotgun.
I bought two 12ga-22lr to use in my sulun ss221 and both adapters consistently require two strikes to work. It almost seems like the first strike seats the casing down where it wants to be, then the 2nd strike ignites the primer. Pretty useless having to break open and #### it twice every time. I was using winchester bulk 22lr and never had it fire on the first try within 20 attempts, always 2nd try. Will try another brand of ammo when i get around to it, as well as another shotgun.

Just tried one out in my Baikal IJ-18 and it worked perfectly fine. Much heavier primer hits from that old beast lol
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