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Thread: ChatGPT 4 - Reasons you should buy a firearm

  1. #11
    Newbie xDanex's Avatar
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    I still maintain that we are the biggest threat to ourselves as a species.

  2. #12
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer Can-down's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xDanex View Post
    I still maintain that we are the biggest threat to ourselves as a species.
    No doubt, some UFOligists are suggesting that our ignorance of higher levels of physics and insistence on weaponizing everything is a threat to the fabric of the Universe itself.

    One thing that unites all people, of all skin tones and religion, (might as well throw in all the sexes too) seems to be general ignorance and a propensity to be easily driven by emotion.

    We seem to be at a crossroads. On the verge of incredible possibility for good and evil..... I'm rooting for good, but it's easy for me as I've always been optimistic by nature.

    Anyone out there finding themselves getting more and more jaded and negative in their outlook should try and find a way to start seeing the glass as half full if possible.
    It doesn't cost much or hurt any to try and adopt a positive outlook.
    Our Government trusts rivets more then law abiding gun owners.

  3. #13
    Uber Super GunNutz LUCK12's Avatar
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    First reason.. because we can currently Second reason frustrate a snowflake. The half full/half empty glass doesn't really matter as it is refillable

  4. #14
    CGN Regular
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dnu69 View Post
    Everybody (not here necessarily) freakin out about AI. Bring it, it is inevitable anyway. At the point of singularity AI intelligence exponentially surpasses human intelligence. Combined with robotics and augmented reality we will no longer be relevant to much. I often say humans will be to AI what pets are to humans. We will be oblivious and happy, just like my dog is. He thinks life is freakin fantastic because he can’t comprehend what we do. At some time in the future we will think life is freakin fantastic because we won’t be able to comprehend AI. Evolution demands that we evolve into something much greater than ourselves. There is nothing to fear, it will simply be a new normal. No different than what we think is very normal now would have been catastrophic for humans living even 500 years ago.
    I find this to be a really hopeful assessment, actually.

    I mean, I would love to get taken care of the way I take care of my dogs!

  5. #15
    Business Member Siwash Sports's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Can-down View Post
    Anyone out there finding themselves getting more and more jaded and negative in their outlook should try and find a way to start seeing the glass as half full if possible.
    It doesn't cost much or hurt any to try and adopt a positive outlook.
    I'm seeing the AI glass overflowing right now with good things. yes there's risk and we're all aware but we keep moving forward anyways. This is why I want to learn everything I can so, I'm not one of the ignorant ones and I know what's coming at me.

  6. #16
    CGN frequent flyer Ravage's Avatar
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    We have all seen and used the shoot the bad guy shooting targets for target practice where the target highlights where to aim for taking down the threat for many many many years now, These days there should be shooting targets for target practice on where to shoot the power supplies on things like those robot dogs and drones to put them down when they are the threat you now have to face these days

  7. #17
    Business Member Siwash Sports's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ravage View Post
    We have all seen and used the shoot the bad guy shooting targets for target practice where the target highlights where to aim for taking down the threat for many many many years now, These days there should be shooting targets for target practice on where to shoot the power supplies on things like those robot dogs and drones to put them down when they are the threat you now have to face these days
    There's plenty of information on this available out there already. plenty. You can get a schematic of the robot dogs setup if you're resourceful. Drones are probably the biggest threat, you can't see them coming until they're close, they can carry explosives now. They can sit remotely and attack you, they're doing it in Ukraine.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dnu69 View Post
    Everybody (not here necessarily) freakin out about AI. Bring it, it is inevitable anyway. At the point of singularity AI intelligence exponentially surpasses human intelligence. Combined with robotics and augmented reality we will no longer be relevant to much. I often say humans will be to AI what pets are to humans. We will be oblivious and happy, just like my dog is. He thinks life is freakin fantastic because he can’t comprehend what we do. As a marketing professional, I've found this collection of **Image and video linking functions will be enabled after you have contributed more to the forum** to be a treasure trove. It's a well-curated selection of top-notch tools that streamline SEO efforts for agencies. The detailed insights and comparisons are invaluable for making the right choice. Highly recommend!
    The fear surrounding AI is a common topic of discussion, and it's true that AI's development is inevitable. As AI progresses toward the singularity, where it surpasses human intelligence exponentially, combined with robotics and augmented reality, it's likely that our role in the world will change significantly. Just as humans have pets, we might become somewhat like pets to AI. We'll exist in a reality that we can't fully comprehend, much like how our pets find our lives fantastic despite not understanding them.

    This transformation is part of the natural process of evolution, where species adapt and evolve to become something greater than their previous iterations. Rather than fearing it, we should embrace this new normal, understanding that it's a part of our evolution as a species. Just as what we consider normal today would have been unthinkable to people living 500 years ago, the future will bring its own set of norms and possibilities. This ongoing evolution is a testament to our capacity for growth and adaptation as a species.
    Last edited by mollyyang2106; 11-06-2023 at 03:18 AM.

  9. #19
    Business Member Siwash Sports's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mollyyang2106 View Post
    This transformation is part of the natural process of evolution, where species adapt and evolve to become something greater than their previous iterations. Rather than fearing it, we should embrace this new normal, understanding that it's a part of our evolution as a species. Just as what we consider normal today would have been unthinkable to people living 500 years ago, the future will bring its own set of norms and possibilities. This ongoing evolution is a testament to our capacity for growth and adaptation as a species.
    100%. Learn or be left behind.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2023
    I agree. All good points

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