Riton Special Buy Opportunity

If??? the price is right, can we get a "ball park" cost and then maybe a "modest" deposit to cover your #'s for placing an order? That way, if you want one, you would get it at the advertised cost?
Sound reasonable?
If??? the price is right, can we get a "ball park" cost and then maybe a "modest" deposit to cover your #'s for placing an order? That way, if you want one, you would get it at the advertised cost?
Sound reasonable?

We do not charge people for products until they have been shipped to us. We have done this way to many times and had it go wrong.

The Price will be $699.95 for the first few days. We will post details early next week and will also send out notification via newsletter.
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I'm just wondering? it seems these are a "special" edition, will they have any of the "Riton" logo on them? and it seems that the box might say "illuminated" however it's not, just so the owners don't get confused.
Overall the reviews are quite good, & a good sale price as well, Kudo's.
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Don't have any use for one, maybe I will in the future. But ordered one anyways. Seems like a great price for a made in Japan optic.
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