Revocation for X95 MSW 13' Restricted Tavors

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I was on the fence of getting one when they first came in, glad i didnt now. Such a shame tho, they look fantastic.
I was on the fence of getting one when they first came in, glad i didnt now. Such a shame tho, they look fantastic.

I had one in my online cart for a couple of days. I took too long adding accessories to my order and by the time I was ready to purchase, it was gone.
Based on North Sylva's reputation for "customer service", I am pretty sure that their response is going to be along the lines of "surplus firearms - no guarantee of legality"!
Well has a buyer you expect that the product you are buying is legal in Canada. You assume that the importer have gave the right information to receive is permit. In extension we should all assume that the gun sold by all the distributor are legal to buy. North Sylva should explain what happen, and if they done a mystake… buyer should not pay for that mystake.
Wait so if the govt allowed "dangerous assault rifles" into the country, shouldn't someone in the govt be severely punished for this? Also, if you could trust someone to just give you back the "dangerous assault rifle" after a simple letter...why the hell would they be too dangerous to own it? Lol, lmao even. I know i know, none of it makes any sense but it never ceases to amaze me.
The same thing happened to the CZ-858. I bought one as soon as they were imported and once it arrived at my door I took it apart to clean and lubricate it (played with it like a kid with a new toy). When I took it apart I noticed part of the receiver was milled, and then welded up. Right away I knew what was up. These were full auto rifles that were modified into fully semi auto. I kept my mouth shut and returned the rifle, less a restocking fee.

A few years later the reclassification happened. Had the factory spent just a little more time making the inside weld look as good as the outside weld I bet they would never have been caught.
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The same thing happened to the CZ-858. I bought one as soon as they were imported and once it arrived at my door I took it apart to clean and lubricate it (played with it like a kid with a new toy). When I took it apart I noticed part of the revived was milled, and then welded up. Right away I knew what was up. These were full auto rifles that were modified into fully semi auto. I kept my mouth shut and returned the rifle with less a restocking fee.

A few years later the reclassification happened. Had the factory spent just a little more time making the inside of the weld look as good as the outside world I bet they works never have been caught.

yup, it was easy to see so why didnt wolverine?
Wow, what I want to know is who tattled on this one? Because I doubt that the SFSS is just picking random guns at random times and checking them and just happened to stumble upon this, but I could be wrong.

If you are a member of the CCFR I would send them an email and request counsel.

Since this is in writing, is it possible to take this to court? Have them try to prove and demonstrate that it is indeed fully automatic?

This is S74 actionable, and unlike the "nullification", jurisdiction is not an argument to be made because it was served properly. You are basically guaranteed to lose but between the hearing itself and appealing your loss you could get another year or two of use from the rifle before you have to turn it in. (Note that this little tidbit will disappear when C-21 becomes law because C-21 will require to turn over ALL your firearms to a peace officer within 30 days of filing S74).
I hope this at least leads to a challenge of the definition of automatic weapon, It doesn't make sense that a firearm should be treated as automatic just because it was at some point in its life, or in this case, simply being built on a frame capable of taking an automatic fcg. I think most rational people would agree that the surplus x95 is not an automatic weapon, and for that reason should not be restricted any more than other weapons of its type.
I hope this at least leads to a challenge of the definition of automatic weapon, It doesn't make sense that a firearm should be treated as automatic just because it was at some point in its life, or in this case, simply being built on a frame capable of taking an automatic fcg. I think most rational people would agree that the surplus x95 is not an automatic weapon, and for that reason should not be restricted any more than other weapons of its type.

They should just take the trigger pack.
"Please note that you may refer this matter to a provincial court judge within 30 days after receiving this notice. A copy of sections
74 to 81 of the Firearms Act, which outline your right to refer the decision to a provincial court judge, is attached for your
information. If you refer this matter to a provincial court judge, you may keep your firearms and registration certificates until the
outcome of the hearing."

How do you refer this to a judge
"Please note that you may refer this matter to a provincial court judge within 30 days after receiving this notice. A copy of sections
74 to 81 of the Firearms Act, which outline your right to refer the decision to a provincial court judge, is attached for your
information. If you refer this matter to a provincial court judge, you may keep your firearms and registration certificates until the
outcome of the hearing."

How do you refer this to a judge

This. Let's all refer to a judge. Every single one of us. Step by step plan of action collectively.
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