Last Shipment of Type 81 SR

I'm tempted.

I should have brought this one back from Russia...................


Nope, speaking on behalf of all of us, we're glad you left him there. :)
Well the NPZ scopes were/are made in Russia, so as much as i'd *like* them to be available in the future it's certainly not likely at this rate. If you want one get it while you can, looks like all retailers that had them at one point sold out and TI is only letting the ones they still have go bundled with a rifle.

Lots of choices for muzzle devices that are compatible, that you shouldn't worry about.
Well belarus makes alot of the russian style scopes and the side plate and mounts and screws are usa made i believe !

Belarus has been sanctioned by our government in the same way Russia has a result of, well, you know.
Don't like it? Write your MP, although certainly the loss of niche optics and Barnaul steel case is the least horrific result of the increasingly deranged policies of the neocons and neolibs running the western world.

The Belarusian versions weren't quite as nice as the NPZ scopes anyways which, while undeniably and even glaringly rather dated at this point, have quite nice glass and are well built and rugged.

Certainly though, they are what you want if you're going for a certain look with these rifles so yes, do get one from TI while you can because they are the closest to an authentic combloc military optic you are going to get unless you feel like getting into some greasy pay with crypto, third party forwarding type internet deals across the nu iron curtain which I certainly can't and won't suggest.
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