X95 MSW Return/Deactivation - Please Read

just an FYI, I'm going to clean this thread up a bit this morning. It's nothing personal if I remove your post. Some posts are rather off topic and some things people have posted aren't factual so I don't want people doing something wrong.
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It is nice that NS is compensating buyers of these rifles. What about the poor folks who bought CZ 858 rifles and ran into the same situation?

yes, similar situation but one big difference. the government are NOT compensating MSW but on the CZ858 they are, just have to wait two years.
What is the break down in value? These rifles at this point are worth nothing at this point so I'd expect the parts value to be reduced as well.

There doesn't seem to be much clarity or information provided until your thread with regard to our X95'S on the part of NS, perhaps purposely to drag it out as long as possible so others are inclined to just send things in and NOT claim a credit so the problem is out of their hair.

As for other importers, that just seems like bad decision making on their end, perhaps leaving themselves open to legal action in the future for being negligent.

But you are at least providing information and answers for questions people have and haven't left everyone out in the wind like NS by saying "more information to come" and leaving it as is so thanks for that.

Also, definitely playing devil's advocate here as no one seems to be asking questions that I'm sure have been floating around in people's minds.

Many will probably be deactivated. There is a good market for deactivated firearms and removing parts will reduce the value significantly.
Many will probably be deactivated. There is a good market for deactivated firearms and removing parts will reduce the value significantly.

i tend to agree. i think the best option is to deact/store credit bcos keeping the deact will not get you what you paid bcos NS will end up with alot and will try to dump them to recover their investments besides why would you want a paper weight when you can buy a working non-res.?.... about the parts kits? not many of us wanna pay a bundle and go thru the hassle of reclassification to restricted.
Problem I'm finding is locating a box large enough to fit the soft case. Went to a couple gun shops locally and no one has a box large enough 'available' to fit the soft case and tavor. Is dropping off in person an option if we're within driving distance? If keeping the soft case is an option at a reasonable price let me know Chemist.
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Problem I'm finding is locating a box large enough to fit the soft case. Went to a couple gun shops locally and no one has a box large enough 'available' to fit the soft case and tavor. Is dropping off in person an option if we're within driving distance?

Keep the soft case, the gun is what they're after.
As we said, the firearms must come back complete. A complete firearm was purchased and a complete firearm must be returned. If parts are missing the credit issued will be reduced. Remember North Sylva is just one of the importers. At this point the other importer(s) aren't giving people credits at all from my understanding.

See above before you start keeping parts / accessories
Just called the CFP, they said no ATT Is Possible because the certificates have been revoked. Just ship as per usual for a firearm in the mail.


Because they cant issue ATT's for any prohib. Same reason you cant get an ATT issued for your AR15 if you move.

These are basically to be treated as NR for storage, shipping and transport, but LEO might recommend following prohib shipping guidelines
This thread is for dealing with sending your X95 MSW in if you are going that route. If you want to discuss other things please post in one of the other X95 threads. As I said before we’ll delete comments that aren’t related to sending them to us.
Do we need to request an ATT?

Or can we just pack up the rifles and send it back?

We were told you don’t need one as there is no longer a valid certificate for it. The RCMP has already authorized them to come here.
Once again please keep general X95 discussing to one of the threads in general discussion. This one if for dealing with sending them here if that is what you choose to do and I will be deleting other posts to keep it easy to follow for people.

ryan, do you have any idea of a timeline from when you receive the rifle to NS approving the store credit?
So is this a time limited arrangement? If for instance someone were to file for their section 74 reference hearing and decide in a year they need to return the rifle to SFRC provided the hearing is unsuccessful?
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