I screwed up a few years ago, PAL being denied - no criminal record

Sounds like an episode of Fear thy Neighbor, your ex special constable Neighbor should be in an insane asylum, Iam sorry you have to go thru this
Hey man I am late but I have something to share that may help you. When I first moved to Canada, young and silly and not knowing better, I machined a connected ring in my research lab, plated aged copper on it, cool stuff. One day this karen was driving and blasting her car horn down the crowded alley on us students, I was unhappy, give her a finger and a snowball. Again, young and silly years. She called the cops, claim I threatened her with brass knuckles. Officers were ok, no charges but there is a record, similar to your case.

Fast forward, being a proper socialized adult now, this never affected me in anyway in life, immigration, jobs anything. But this did delay my RPAL for almost 2 years. Wife got it in 4 month but I just got it recently. The application was reviewed by local constable, actually called my references, reviewed the situation and genuinely I was surprised and giggled when he brought it up. At the end of the day my deed speak for itself and here I am with RPAL but missed the pistols.

So chil-lax, patience, apply and just see how it flows. Worst is they reject you and anything aside that is better.

Sorry for the long story. I would like some advice.

My wife applied for her RPAL and it was granted after a year, but came with the condition that she cannot store guns or ammo in any residence I occupy. She has also lost interest in having an RPAL in the last year and just wants a regular PAL, not sure if that will make a difference.

I was hoping to apply for a PAL to go hunting, but I with the above situation, I know it will just be denied.

I have no criminal record and never have. I know the reason why this is likely happening. During the Pandemic I got into an ongoing conflict with my neighbour. He was an ex special constable who was given early retirement for mental issues and going through a messy divorce. He was abusive and a serial cheater. He was still good friends with the police department though and his Facebook had pictures of him hanging out with the cops and other such things.

He would frequently get into conflicts with neighbours and call the police. The first time he did this on me was because I was using a leaf blower during our renovations. This escalated over the years, at first with me being very cooperative with the PD but eventually becoming agitated as it seemed like harassment.

He threatened to kill me, threatened to ###ually assault my wife and exposed himself to her, would taunt me about my dead father, suggest he was going to ###ually assault me, would "accidentally" send people for his weird selling business to our house, sometimes after dark. Sometimes he'd violate my property line or damage our property. This went on for three years and any time he had the chance he'd call the police and claim he was threatened. One time he called the police on me claiming I had a weapon which was an exacto blade I was using for the renovations outside I was doing. Police came out and told me to "drop the weapon" which I did. I showed them the roots that were being cut with it, my wife talked to the officer and no charges were laid.

He would also call parking services if he saw me working with an axe or jack. This caused them to come out and report I had "axes and tire irons" and felt threatened. I was doing major landscaping renos like retaining wall construction and would never be outside without a whole wack load of tools. Eventually he hit me in the back of the head and we tussled. I did have a blade on me during this but I didn't take it out. No charges were ever laid but some of the cops were definitely not very impartial when coming out. My wife even reported one of the officers because he showed up at 11 at night and threatened us physically. Many of the officer we interacted with were very good, some were not.

Eventually it started to wear on my mental health and the constant harassment calls from police made me confrontation with them and very worried about what he might do. I even asked the officers about the option of getting a firearm to protect myself if he made good on his threats. I now realize this was the dumbest thing I could have said, but I didn't have malicious intent, I was started to get seriously freaked out by the situation and was worried. I was just naive and hadn't been keeping up with firearms laws and the whole "firearms are never for self defence" culture that has become the official line in Canada.

We moved out of the house and city to escape the situation. Its been almost two years now, no interactions with Police, no problems. I have a good education and am mentally stable but looking back on this situation I handled it really badly and played into this guys hands and let him rile me up.
Now Im realizing this is a serious problem for getting my hunting license. I previous had a FAC but let it lapse. I am working with a lawyer to see if my wifes condition can be removed or if there is anyway I can ever get my regular PAL.

Yes I am dumb and would do it totally differently if I could, but there's probably like 6-8 biased police reports. No charges, no history of trouble. Can a person come back from something like this if they were never convicted of a crime?

Ultimately, the decision will rest with the authorities responsible for issuing PALs, but demonstrating that you have taken steps to address the situation and that you have a clean record could work in your favor. Keep working with your lawyer to explore all possible avenues for resolving the issue.

It's important to approach the process calmly and professionally, focusing on presenting yourself in the best possible light and providing any necessary documentation or evidence to support your application.
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To the OP - sorry this happened to you.

I will say this - maybe it's the bad experience you had, which can surely be discouraging and disconcerting, and while you think that all hope may be lost, this may also be the pessimism from your experience talking. While I am all for reflective introspection and assessing whether one's own contributions to a particular situation, I sense that you are way too hard on yourself. It is fine to regret certain actions, but I don't think much of what you have indicated you did would necessarily be so unreasonable that none of us would have reacted the same way.

In any conflict, emotions run high and while I think it is good to show restraint in words and actions, sometimes, things happen and you say and do things you regret. Even the best of us cannot say for certain that we would have handled it differently, because I can speak from experience - until you actually get into the situation, perceiving how you react would be purely theoretical. And in my experience, sometimes, I am surprised by how well (or poorly) I handle a situation, compared to how I THOUGHT I would handle it.

In this case, don't close the door before it is even opened. Apply for the PAL and then deal with the situation as it comes, rather than presuming the worst case scenario.
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