Quote Originally Posted by apu View Post
I don't think anyone wants Misty Mountain supply not to be successful in selling milsurp but I think the point of the several previous posters in the deleted thread on current issued Russian military cold weather parkas for sale was that it kind of seemed unsavory in light of the current hot conflict and the realistic possibility that these were sourced from recent Russian POWs, especially in the context that the OP noted some lower grade items had bullet holes in them but "no blood". I get some folks are totally cool with that but there are certainly some folks who are not anti capitalist, communist or whatever left wing derogatory term who may find the optics a little insipid.
It's not a matter of left or right to us. It's just literally how this stuff gets to market. Plenty of other stuff we have sold has had "battle damage" as well and no one batted an eye. This is "current", sure, but that doesn't really change anything. People are totally allowed to feel it's not for them, no qualms from us about that. The issue was people were blowing up the posts about their personal politics or making ridiculous statements like "getting clothing from a warzone is a warcrime", things that are either off topic and don't belong in this specific forum (I believe there is a forum for politics) or are patently false and just "#### up the thread".

By all means Apu, you are 100% entitled to your view on it being tasteful or not, if we all thought the same - the world wouldn't be an interesting place! We hope in the future to have items that are more up your alley!