how much do youowe?

Holy ...
All this because you donated to a protest that the government didn't like

And my email was a sensible adult one: last.first@ (names) so i was easy to identify.

$20... thats all it took

The worst part is i was doxxed through a felony.. and it was a criminal offense to distrubute that info in both the us and canada... but my bank, our gov.... activists groups did it anyway and their is no punishment for them...

Fun fact... the biggest attacks on my email came from
new zealand (registered non profit sending hate mail and spam) telling me what a terrible person i am and to kill myself

And ukraine: tens of thousands of attempted email routings a day. All of it death threats to prominate people and politicians from the email address i saw in the "too" line. They were attempting a forwarding scam that makes it apear the emails came from me... lucky gmail has a protection against that. if i had been on a smaller email provider or a personal pop3, it likley would have allowed the to go through. Then i would have been swatted and brought up on charges for uttering death threats.
But because gmail stopped it, i got thousands of system generated email messages telling me they denied the email routimg and a copy of its contents.. and gmail only lets you delete 250 messages at a time... so functionally i couldnt keep up and my actual emails were lost in the clutter.
I hope russia has bombed where ever these people were/are operating
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Any other suggestions?
Anybody who ridicules somebody over $20 with nothing but an ignorant ill informed opinion needs to be pinked.


Nothing wrong with blocking an annoying p.o.s, can't say I've ever done it myself but I do see some names there that make sense, but who blocks kamlooky ?
Wolverine Supplies the business, is associated with the CSAAA. Wolverine Supplies the business, is currently run by Matt Hipwell - the Son of business founder, John Hipwell (retired). Matt Hipwell was on the Board of Directors of the CSAAA and resigned early on in the melt-down over the signed contract with the Federal Government.

John Hipwell is challenging the law as a Retired, Private Citizen. He has no further connection with the decisions of the Business Wolverine Supplies that is/was a part of the CSAAA. John Hipwell's assigned Court Costs will not be covered by the business Wolverine Supplies. He is on the hook as a Retired, Private Citizen representing all of our collective interests. Legal Defence funds are collected through "Go Fund Me" as opposed to the Wolverine Supplies website in order to further differentiate the two.

Nobody could have reasonably anticipated being assigned court costs by an out of control and insanely vindictive government - charging individuals to access the only legal means by which government over-reach can be proven and curtailed in this supposedly-democratic nation. This is a direct affront to our democracy itself!

At the end of the day, do not mistakenly conflate John Hipwell's legal challenge with the business decisions and actions of Wolverine Supplies. They are separate and distinct things in 2023 and going forwards.
i had to switch banks which cost me having a line of credit and a credit cardcwith a low intrest rate.
, change my email, close my verified pay pal as the attempts to hack it were relentless.
, deal with harrassing calls from media, death threats, being signed up for services.
the loss of the email has cost me thousands in subcription and software purchases i can no longer access due to being unable to swap them to my new email. i have been refused contracts just this year for my welding company because of the client worrying about "exposure".
and i may be liable for up to 30k if they loose the class action brought against the convoy as im one of the peopke they can prove donated.

i have no issue kicking $100 but not through a third party

I'm sorry that happened to you. People should never be doxxed for participating in, or even donating to a protest they believe in. It's not like you were part of the U.S Jan 6th riot FFS.
Wolverine Supplies the business, is associated with the CSAAA. Wolverine Supplies the business, is currently run by Matt Hipwell - the Son of business founder, John Hipwell (retired). Matt Hipwell was on the Board of Directors of the CSAAA and resigned early on in the melt-down over the signed contract with the Federal Government.

John Hipwell is challenging the law as a Retired, Private Citizen. He has no further connection with the decisions of the Business Wolverine Supplies that is/was a part of the CSAAA. John Hipwell's assigned Court Costs will not be covered by the business Wolverine Supplies. He is on the hook as a Retired, Private Citizen representing all of our collective interests. Legal Defence funds are collected through "Go Fund Me" as opposed to the Wolverine Supplies website in order to further differentiate the two.

Nobody could have reasonably anticipated being assigned court costs by an out of control and insanely vindictive government - charging individuals to access the only legal means by which government over-reach can be proven and curtailed in this supposedly-democratic nation. This is a direct affront to our democracy itself!

At the end of the day, do not mistakenly conflate John Hipwell's legal challenge with the business decisions and actions of Wolverine Supplies. They are separate and distinct things in 2023 and going forwards.

Thats good to know, i knew john wasnt running WS anymore but i thought he was still employed there and representing issues like this... hence my posting in your sub forum.
Wolverine Supplies the business, is associated with the CSAAA. Wolverine Supplies the business, is currently run by Matt Hipwell - the Son of business founder, John Hipwell (retired). Matt Hipwell was on the Board of Directors of the CSAAA and resigned early on in the melt-down over the signed contract with the Federal Government.

John Hipwell is challenging the law as a Retired, Private Citizen. He has no further connection with the decisions of the Business Wolverine Supplies that is/was a part of the CSAAA. John Hipwell's assigned Court Costs will not be covered by the business Wolverine Supplies. He is on the hook as a Retired, Private Citizen representing all of our collective interests. Legal Defence funds are collected through "Go Fund Me" as opposed to the Wolverine Supplies website in order to further differentiate the two.

Nobody could have reasonably anticipated being assigned court costs by an out of control and insanely vindictive government - charging individuals to access the only legal means by which government over-reach can be proven and curtailed in this supposedly-democratic nation. This is a direct affront to our democracy itself!

At the end of the day, do not mistakenly conflate John Hipwell's legal challenge with the business decisions and actions of Wolverine Supplies. They are separate and distinct things in 2023 and going forwards.

Thats good to know, i knew john wasnt running WS anymore but i thought he was still employed there and representing issues like this as "team Wolverine"... hence my posting in WS sub forum.
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I’ve had him muted since he claimed that sellers selling restricted handguns during the ban panic should not have to refund buyers if the government decided to cancel pending transfers and instead keep both the money and the gun! You really do get all types here…

Exactly! I spoke up to him, regarding that. at that time! He said straight up - IF he sells you {his} Pistol, you pay in Full, if he ends up keeping it, bcuz it won't process through..Oh Well, He's keeping YOUR Money & the firearm! A real Class Act. I'd NEVER do Business or anything with this guy. No respect/No Honour what so ever.

P.S. On a side Note, GOFUNDME is w0ke as shiit. They have axed many gofundme's with Conservative/firearm related campaigns. Isn't there a more suited 'organization, that is similar, but not them?
Any other suggestions?
Anybody who ridicules somebody over $20 with nothing but an ignorant ill informed opinion needs to be pinked.


Wow.If you have that many people on your ignore list it speaks volumes more about you than it does them. Sensitive much? I've been here as long as you and I have nobody on ignore. I just shake my head and move on. Lol I guess this post will get me added to the list.
Exactly! I spoke up to him, regarding that. at that time! He said straight up - IF he sells you {his} Pistol, you pay in Full, if he ends up keeping it, bcuz it won't process through..Oh Well, He's keeping YOUR Money & the firearm! A real Class Act. I'd NEVER do Business or anything with this guy. No respect/No Honour what so ever.

P.S. On a side Note, GOFUNDME is w0ke as shiit. They have axed many gofundme's with Conservative/firearm related campaigns. Isn't there a more suited 'organization, that is similar, but not them?

That would be givegosend.... and i got my life ####ed up when they got hacked by some pink hair fruit loop that put out the donor lists, contact info and ###### info
Solomon Friedman's bill for the May 1, 2020 request for Judicial Review on behalf of Cassie Parker and KKS Tactical has been paid in full by Canada's National Firearms Association. would appreciate donations to their legal fund so that when relevant cases arise in the future they can be funded.
Expenses for Court Challenge.

As I understand the current situation, so far the applicants have only paid (or are in the process of paying) their own lawyers bills for the first court challenge. There were six actions running simultaneously.

Justice Kane ruled against all the motions. Some applicants are now appealing Justice Kanes decision. Myself John Hipwell (Team Hipwell) is not appealing, we see the chance of success slim and we have no money. Those applicants now launching an appeal have to not only raise money for their Lawyer bills, if not already paid for the first trial, the cost of the appeal, but are now also faced with the “Court costs” for the first trial.

In my case I have been assessed for $87,847.50 as the “Respondents Bill of costs” then there is the additional “Bill of costs of the Respondent – Disbursements” this totals $199,249.19 this should be split six ways so the total I am expected to pay is $121,055.69. I do not know how the others are faring but I expect their costs will be higher than my own. This came as a shock to me, I was naive enough to believe that costs were only awarded in frivolous cases.

I have received a few offers of assistance, which I am extremely grateful for, but I am unsure how to proceed, it is a question of personal integrity. I can ask for financial assistance to fund a legal challenge that in the end, if successful would benefit everyone, but now to ask for assistance to pay costs that will have no benefit to anyone is difficult. Then there is also the cost of challenging the $121,055.69 which we feel is grossly inflated.

This was a nice “kick in the teeth” just before Christmas. I am now “signing off” for a few days to spend time with family, I have to go and find some oats for Santa’s reindeer.

Merry Christmas to all.
i had to switch banks which cost me having a line of credit and a credit cardcwith a low intrest rate.
, change my email, close my verified pay pal as the attempts to hack it were relentless.
, deal with harrassing calls from media, death threats, being signed up for services.
the loss of the email has cost me thousands in subcription and software purchases i can no longer access due to being unable to swap them to my new email. i have been refused contracts just this year for my welding company because of the client worrying about "exposure".
and i may be liable for up to 30k if they loose the class action brought against the convoy as im one of the peopke they can prove donated.

i have no issue kicking $100 but not through a third party

I donated to both funds. My name was on the released list. Never had any effect to me.
Any other suggestions?
Anybody who ridicules somebody over $20 with nothing but an ignorant ill informed opinion needs to be pinked.


I see that I made it on your list.

I have nobody on ignore. What is the point of being on a forum having so many people on ignore.

I think you are the one with a problem.

And doing it like this above just shows how childish you are. Ridiculing somebody like this should be infracted.
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