how much do youowe?

have you done interviews on the national and cbc radio 1? i was already on the radar

I am sorry what happened to you. Shows where we are at with our democracy. Non existent. Just be careful in the future, get several email accounts, non gmail related, there are some out there.
I see that I made it on your list.

I have nobody on ignore. What is the point of being on a forum having so many people on ignore.

I think you are the one with a problem.

And doing it like this above just shows how childish you are. Ridiculing somebody like this should be infracted.

^^^yup ^^^ totally agree
Exactly! I spoke up to him, regarding that. at that time! He said straight up - IF he sells you {his} Pistol, you pay in Full, if he ends up keeping it, bcuz it won't process through..Oh Well, He's keeping YOUR Money & the firearm! A real Class Act. I'd NEVER do Business or anything with this guy. No respect/No Honour what so ever.

P.S. On a side Note, GOFUNDME is w0ke as shiit. They have axed many gofundme's with Conservative/firearm related campaigns. Isn't there a more suited 'organization, that is similar, but not them?

You like to spread lies and bull####…
Wow.If you have that many people on your ignore list it speaks volumes more about you than it does them. Sensitive much? I've been here as long as you and I have nobody on ignore. I just shake my head and move on. Lol I guess this post will get me added to the list.

Expenses for Court Challenge.

As I understand the current situation, so far the applicants have only paid (or are in the process of paying) their own lawyers bills for the first court challenge. There were six actions running simultaneously.

Justice Kane ruled against all the motions. Some applicants are now appealing Justice Kanes decision. Myself John Hipwell (Team Hipwell) is not appealing, we see the chance of success slim and we have no money. Those applicants now launching an appeal have to not only raise money for their Lawyer bills, if not already paid for the first trial, the cost of the appeal, but are now also faced with the “Court costs” for the first trial.

In my case I have been assessed for $87,847.50 as the “Respondents Bill of costs” then there is the additional “Bill of costs of the Respondent – Disbursements” this totals $199,249.19 this should be split six ways so the total I am expected to pay is $121,055.69. I do not know how the others are faring but I expect their costs will be higher than my own. This came as a shock to me, I was naive enough to believe that costs were only awarded in frivolous cases.

I have received a few offers of assistance, which I am extremely grateful for, but I am unsure how to proceed, it is a question of personal integrity. I can ask for financial assistance to fund a legal challenge that in the end, if successful would benefit everyone, but now to ask for assistance to pay costs that will have no benefit to anyone is difficult. Then there is also the cost of challenging the $121,055.69 which we feel is grossly inflated.

This was a nice “kick in the teeth” just before Christmas. I am now “signing off” for a few days to spend time with family, I have to go and find some oats for Santa’s reindeer.

Merry Christmas to all.

Please pm your email and I will send an emt to help.
After reading all the posts in this thread, I sure wouldn't be sending donations via any traceable route. Cash in the mail, or the latest technology in money laundering (cryptocurrency) are the ticket here.
You like to spread lies and bull####…

During the handgun frenzy when there was doubt about when the govt would shut down transfers you posted that if a transfer got stopped by govt action and you already had the money, you were going to keep both.

You can say BS all you want but you proudly said it.
During the handgun frenzy when there was doubt about when the govt would shut down transfers you posted that if a transfer got stopped by govt action and you already had the money, you were going to keep both.

You can say BS all you want but you proudly said it.

No mister…an OP wrote an hypothetical situation and asked for what some will do with it. It was not about if the Gov was shutting down transfer.

It’s clear you made up a story to fit your narrative. I know you are an follow everything I write and do you best to insult and discredit what I says. You are full of lies. Get a life..find something to do.
No mister…an OP wrote an hypothetical situation and asked for what some will do with it. It was not about if the Gov was shutting down transfer.

It’s clear you made up a story to fit your narrative. I know you are an follow everything I write and do you best to insult and discredit what I says. You are full of lies. Keep your bull#### little CGN nazi.

No made up story pal… Maybe you can repost it without editing and show us what you wrote?
The fallout he is referring to is probably due to frozen bank accounts and similar, rather than $20 missing...

I was expecting him to laugh and get the remaining of the fallout he experienced about his $20. Thats it. Some have no humour at all.

As for the CGN Internet censorship nazi team - the one who think freedom of expression is only for them when they write or speak - I could care less about the ignore list..I don’t give a #### about it.
No made up story pal… Maybe you can repost it without editing and show us what you wrote?

Since you are the one making claims..substantiate it or shut up.
Everybody posting in that tread had an opinion on the OP question of “what to do if “ that you liked my answer or not is mut. Was not alone in my opinion on that hypothetical case. Both side were discussed, but for one reason or another, you are fixated on me. Get a life.

I hope you have the decency to give money and help with the dept - subject of this post.
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I’ve had him muted since he claimed that sellers selling restricted handguns during the ban panic should not have to refund buyers if the government decided to cancel pending transfers and instead keep both the money and the gun! You really do get all types here…

He flatly tries to deny posting that but many have posted about it since. Thanks for the reminder… :sok2
Expenses for Court Challenge.

As I understand the current situation, so far the applicants have only paid (or are in the process of paying) their own lawyers bills for the first court challenge. There were six actions running simultaneously.

Justice Kane ruled against all the motions. Some applicants are now appealing Justice Kanes decision. Myself John Hipwell (Team Hipwell) is not appealing, we see the chance of success slim and we have no money. Those applicants now launching an appeal have to not only raise money for their Lawyer bills, if not already paid for the first trial, the cost of the appeal, but are now also faced with the “Court costs” for the first trial.

In my case I have been assessed for $87,847.50 as the “Respondents Bill of costs” then there is the additional “Bill of costs of the Respondent – Disbursements” this totals $199,249.19 this should be split six ways so the total I am expected to pay is $121,055.69. I do not know how the others are faring but I expect their costs will be higher than my own. This came as a shock to me, I was naive enough to believe that costs were only awarded in frivolous cases.

I have received a few offers of assistance, which I am extremely grateful for, but I am unsure how to proceed, it is a question of personal integrity. I can ask for financial assistance to fund a legal challenge that in the end, if successful would benefit everyone, but now to ask for assistance to pay costs that will have no benefit to anyone is difficult. Then there is also the cost of challenging the $121,055.69 which we feel is grossly inflated.

This was a nice “kick in the teeth” just before Christmas. I am now “signing off” for a few days to spend time with family, I have to go and find some oats for Santa’s reindeer.

Merry Christmas to all.

We should be fundraising for a pot of tar and a few bags of feathers
Just did, post #54.

Far from it. Just BS. Post the whole thing..the whole tread will all the answers to the OP like you asked me to do.
As usual you just spreading your crap.

I got a perfect EE feedback score here and other CGN bully like you - shove it.
By the way, there is instructions for dummies how to get someone on ignore list..go read it…
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No. Just BS. Post the whole thing..the whole post will all the answers to the OP like you asked me to do.
As usual you just spreading your crap.

Funny guy in denial… Three different guys mentioned your infamous post stating you’d keep both. Read posts, #17, #30 and #49. Are we all wrong?
Funny guy in denial… Three different guys mentioned your infamous post stating you’d keep both. Read posts, #17, #30 and #49. Are we all wrong?

Just repeating your BS. Taking a few word out of a tread mean nothing.. You made claims - post the all can see the posts.. see the whole story..but are as crooked as it can be.

Doing so will not serve your goal of bullying people with your keyboard…the only thing you do since all your posts are useless crap.
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Just repeating your BS. Taking a few word out of a tread mean nothing.. You made claims - post the all can see the posts.. see the whole story..but are as crooked as it can be.

Doing so will not serve your goal of bullying people with your keyboard…the only thing you do since all your posts are useless crap.

Dude... you and bush take it to PMs and grt the #### out of this thread... we are trying to coordinate finacial aid to our gun owners legal team not settle aa he said she said argument.
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