Magwedge horrible customer service

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Well surprisingly enough after a few contact form filled, 2 phone calls to the « I think » owner found on the business registry page and after this post on CGN someone contacted me by email saying the order was ready to be shipped but had been forgotten on a desk for weeks. He offered me to ship or refund. I chose the refund since I found why I needed somewhere else in the meantime.

I don’t know if it is the phone call to the what I think to be the owner or the post on this wonderful forum, but I managed to get things sorted out and got my money back!

Thanks CGN

Maybe it was just a one mistake but it was the only time I had business with magwedge. Maybe I just got unlucky but not providing a phone number or not replying to the contact forms is enough for me to look somewhere else. At least they seem to be honest people and got me my refund… with some labor.

I believe you know very well what got you my attention and it was the email I received from you.

The phone number that shows up on your order is my personal cell phone and I do not recall any from Quebec.

To clarify, I am a one man business. There is no one else to shoulder blame here and when I make a mistake I try to take responsibility and fix the problem.

I note that your problem was solved January 4, 2024 the day you started this thread and coincidentally, the day you emailed me.

I also note that you had about a week to set the record straight and add that info to the thread you started.

You failed to do so.

With that, case closed and so is this thread.
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