Questions regarding a starter .22


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Nova Scotia
Hey guys! New to the community and the sport. Still waiting on my PAL, but figured I'd get ahead of the game.

I'm looking to get a bolt action .22 that's quality. I'm not really picky on it other than that. I'm also wondering what would be recommended for optics and any other must haves that I should get along with the rifle when I'm able.

Thanks again to those who take the time to respond.

Edit: I'd like to keep the cost around or under $2000 before taxes all in Probably gonna be plinking for the majority with a chance of small game hunting so likely only about 100-200 yards or so.
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Welcome to shooting sports. If you let people know what you intend to use the gun for that would help. Also the price range can go from a couple hundred for a nice used single shot Cooey to a few thousand for high quality accurate gun with optics. Intended use? Range? accurate long range shooting? Hunting small game in the back 40? just plinking shooting tin cans.

Please expand
Sorry about that! I edited the main post for clarity. Funny enough I had some of that context in there but mistakenly deleted it before I posted
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Sorry about that! I edited the main post for clarity. Funny enough I had some of that context in there but mistakenly deleted it before I posted

I also often get the same error
I have a CZ 455 with the el cheapo synthetic stock. Bought it new about 7 years ago for about 450$. From the bench on a calm day, it will tag a 4 inch round plate at 200 yards 70% of the time with Gold Medal Rimfire 22 LR 40 Grain. The gun is bone stock.

The CZ bolt guns are insanely popular for a reason...they shoot and they shoot well. Build quality is excellent. Adjustable trigger out to the box is wonderful. Resale value is also excellent if it's taken care of and not abused. Can't speak to any of the other options but if I had it to do all over again and I was starting out today, I would get a CZ 457 American if you want something more hunting focused (lighter barrel) or the 457 Varmint (heavy barrel) if you want something better suited to bench plinking. Both models come with a wooden stock designed to be used with a scope.

As far as optics, I've looked through several different brands and models but imho Leupold has some of the clearest and crispest glass of any of them..dollar for dollar. My Sightron on my 223 long range bolt setup is fantastic and I would consider it again. As for what one to get, that's all up to you and your budget for for 700-800$ you can get a fantastic 3x9 or a 4x12 Leupold that would work amazingly well on a 22 but would also be just at home on a larger, center fire rig in the future. The 4x12 will give you a bit better magnification to see where those longer 200 yard shots are hitting your target. With my 4x20 Sightron S-TAC, I can see 22 sized holes in the paper from 200 yards out.
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TM22 is a very fun tactical plinker that is surprisingly accurate. I am by no means an amazing shot but I can hit sub 2 moa groupings at 100m no problem with this thing using average CCI Blazer. Biggest con of this rifle is how picky it is on ammo. You are pretty much limited to CCI but thats not a big deal since its an affordable and good choice.
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