Take my email off your bloody list you jerks

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there is no unsubscribe button at the bottom of the scope that is now in stock for the 3rd time

but thanks for trying

already communicated that to Dean Elliot and awaiting a response

Honestly before you bothered to make this post, you really think you were going to get the response you got?

Trying to cancel them all over a mailing list....Don't hear me #####ing about Xplore net.. Because nobody else gives a ####, be an adult and deal with this in private.

You no longer can complain about young people because you took their whiney cancel culture approach.
*insert old man yells at clouds meme here*

Honestly before you bothered to make this post, you really think you were going to get the response you got?.

Well, he called and emailed them getting no response and now he's trying to solve the issue on another communication channel.

Why do you blame the OP for that ? They could have simply responded to his emails or phone calls.
LOL the fuds learning how to use the internet on CGN is honestly one of the best things I've seen after only being part of this site for 2 years. You idiots just make a vague thread, #####ing and complaining about something you have COMPLETE CONTROL OVER. You should be nowhere NEAR a firearm if you can't unsubscribe from a mailing list, honestly.
When OP finally gets his email removed from the list, Rangeview should run a sticker draw to celebrate. You guys ever do those? :rolleyes:
LOL the fuds learning how to use the internet on CGN is honestly one of the best things I've seen after only being part of this site for 2 years. You idiots just make a vague thread, #####ing and complaining about something you have COMPLETE CONTROL OVER. You should be nowhere NEAR a firearm if you can't unsubscribe from a mailing list, honestly.

Lol, the newbies coming onto CGN asking stoopid questions about guns is the best thing I've seen, Lol.

You shouldn't be anywhere near a computer or firearm for that matter. !
they finally removed me from the


which does not allow you to UNSUBSCRIBE from when getting their uodate

so guess I was right

and most of you need to go back to school to learn how to read

glad it is done but one should not have to resort to this forum to get things done

most businesses use little effort to comply with the rules require ing privacy and email lists

Oh well done now

back to the regular scheduled programming

thanks Peter from rangeview
LOL..One should not get "triggered" by such nonsensical issues..Imagine someone getting so easily unhinged, being part of your immediate Family, or close relations, & having to deal with them on a day to day basis..FFS !
Most of you here likely don't even now "Jefferson". He may not be the most popular in some circles but he's no idiot. Internet badgering at its best. I guess I'm no better though considering I'm feeding this flame.
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