C-21 New Magazine Laws - PAL Now Required

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Its the "designed and manufactured on or after Royal Ascent.." part that pisses me off.

Good God, these Libtards and all that follows their orders need to go. And go now.
When does this actually take effect ? Is this a requirement when selling or buying used mags now ?

You think the rcmp/cfo and government would do a better job of letting people know then this if so.
It is in effect now. They sent dealers this letter to let them know.
I attached the letter that the CFP has sent out to all dealers. The big issue will be for parts and accessory only business with no BFL's that don't have the ability to verify PAL's.

Nothing in this letter states that PALs must be verified online for magazine sales.
A simple visual verification of the PAL itself should suffice.
For a business with no BFL, online sales of magazines could still happen with a simple PAL picture request during checkout process.

Yes, it sucks.
Nothing in this letter states that PALs must be verified online for magazine sales.
A simple visual verification of the PAL itself should suffice.
For a business with no BFL, online sales of magazines could still happen with a simple PAL picture request during checkout process.

Yes, it sucks.

I meant verification for online sales if needed. There are a lot of fake, photo shopped and revoked PAL’s being sent in to dealers. Dealers have access to another tool/app besides the reference number one. We can type in a PAL number and date of birth and it tells us if it’s valid.
Yet more proof that the village idiot in Ottawa couldn't care less about public safety.

This is just another example of the liberal universal ideology of ZERO firearm ownership by citizens... some methods are direct attacks (bans, confiscations, etc) and other methods are more subtle, like this one, to simply irritate and make things difficult for firearms owners.
It's their logic for tackling ghost guns, mainly due to the 2 dirt bags in Ontario who were converting airguns to working firearms. They got caught because they started buying large quantities of barrels etc. from a dealer who got suspicious and informed the police.

The CFO sent out an email blast to all the dealers regarding this a little while ago.

You can probably than these 2 a holes.

So criminals commit crimes and we the law-abiding citizens get harassed. This government is unreal. I fear they'll stay in power with votes from all of Trudeaus imports.
When does this actually take effect ? Is this a requirement when selling or buying used mags now ?

You think the rcmp/cfo and government would do a better job of letting people know then this if so.

It actually came into effect on Dec 15 2023 when c21 received royal ascent.
LOL Violence in Firearms Marketing? So when they're writing this up, do they put the tinfoil helmet on first and then put on the ear pro to block out everyone laughing at their pathetic paranoid delusions?
This ban all new semi automatic rifle designed after dec 2023. More important than a mag PAL requirement that nobody will follow.

LOL, CGN'ers will follow this, and invent more rules, just because...
Making deals is getting nutty with all the info buyers want.
These young guys are paranoid beyond belief
I meant verification for online sales if needed. There are a lot of fake, photo shopped and revoked PAL’s being sent in to dealers. Dealers have access to another tool/app besides the reference number one. We can type in a PAL number and date of birth and it tells us if it’s valid.

Unless they change the RCMP site to distinguish between parts and guns and ammo, your goingvto get a ref# for the PAL check
This is actually a good thing as it will render the reference numbers meaningless if they can’t distinguish what for

True enough, and there is no requirement for us to keep any kinds of records of what we sold and to who since we aren't a store.

Almost makes it worth while for people to start selling mags just to muddy the waters.
Unless they change the RCMP site to distinguish between parts and guns and ammo, your goingvto get a ref# for the PAL check

No, there has always been a separate way to verify if a PAL is valid for businesses. We just put in a PAL # and date of birth and it tells us if it is valid or not. For individuals I don't know but it is a option for businesses. It's just more death by paperwork for businesses.

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