C-21 New Magazine Laws - PAL Now Required

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True enough, and there is no requirement for us to keep any kinds of records of what we sold and to who since we aren't a store.

Almost makes it worth while for people to start selling mags just to muddy the waters.

Mandatory records keeping for the general public is an impossibility, standardizing and safeguarding private data would be logistically impossible.

It will be much easier for the government to prohibit by law the private reselling of any and all firearms and parts.
Mandatory records keeping for the general public is an impossibility, standardizing and safeguarding private data would be logistically impossible.

It will be much easier for the government to prohibit by law the private reselling of any and all firearms and parts.

And create the biggest black market ever….there is millions upon millions of gun parts in circulation..
After carefully reading it, I couldn't find any mention about the unrestricted magazines that criminals use. Weird...and racist at the same time.
Also, it does not mention if the law is gender inclusive and protects us from the climate change.
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Mandatory records keeping for the general public is an impossibility, standardizing and safeguarding private data would be logistically impossible.

It will be much easier for the government to prohibit by law the private reselling of any and all firearms and parts.

Yes, it would be easier for them to do that. But the more we can muddy the waters and make their systems of tracking useless before they can do that, the better
KDW__;20104634 the more we can muddy the waters and make their systems of tracking useless before they can do that said:
It's already useless, if your PAL was checked today, did you buy a magazine, box of ammunition, firearm or change your mind and got nothing.
Yes it sucks but not going to stop me from enjoying the sport. Already give the kid at CTC my pal to by a box of .22 shells. Doing it for the magazine is not a problem. I am betting over half the people selling mags and gun parts privately have NO idea this is a law and like the private sale of firearms the open unchecked sale or passing of items will continue.

The loser will be the business who sells within the law as people avoid the whole pal check thing.
Yet more proof that the village idiot in Ottawa couldn't care less about public safety.

This is just another example of the liberal universal ideology of ZERO firearm ownership by citizens... some methods are direct attacks (bans, confiscations, etc) and other methods are more subtle, like this one, to simply irritate and make things difficult for firearms owners.

That same idiot probably got the drugs seized from these two gang bangers. In his mind, drugs are okay, it's recreational, right?......:(
yeah that fake law about magazines is getting swiftly ignored in the private sale market.
Do you honestly think that the majority of gun owners come to forums and focus on the minutia of legal wrangling within the firearms community. I would venture to think they do not. I admit that I really had no idea, and became aware of what the rules and laws were when I took my RPAL course a couple years ago thinking one day I would like to have a handgun, and only came to this forum, because I was looking to get on the EE to buy one before the hammer fell last year

Since then I have met people who own guns all their lives and never knew you had to renew your PAL. Some still simply have their old FAC or POL. I have purchased guns privately from people and when i ask them if they want ro see my licence they are fully unaware that you need anything but a hunting licence to possess a gun.

I suspect that same majority will see selling a magazine, clip. or any guns and parts in a private sale without asking for a licence will be the norm rather than the rule.
Nothing in this letter states that PALs must be verified online for magazine sales.
A simple visual verification of the PAL itself should suffice.
For a business with no BFL, online sales of magazines could still happen with a simple PAL picture request during checkout process.

Yes, it sucks.

in quebec it’s a little tougher even because the SQ imposes their own version of the law on top of the Anastasia law. They surprise inspected registers and records at my shooting range very recently. Montreal is a hot bed of gun paranoia.
So pictures, videos etc showing the use of ipsc targets or silhouettes are banned?
What about videos/pictures demonstrating the ranging capabilities in some optics? I have one with a silhouette in the reticle.
What about ammunition labelled "Defensive"?
So for us, in private firearm sales, we verify PAL and thats it.
we may or may not sell anything and we may keep no record.
But as a shop, you are required to keep records right?
Does that include this new measure for mags and as you suggest, parts and accessories in future?
The ever tightening screws just got another full turn or two!

We have an election coming up in the not too distant future, hopefully there are no people left that are dumb enough to vote libdip or ppc!
LOL, CGN'ers will follow this, and invent more rules, just because...
Making deals is getting nutty with all the info buyers want.
These young guys are paranoid beyond belief

Yep, and the sad thing is some sellers are inventing stuff that is not there...like the fellow on another site who had some .22LR Minimag packs for sale and he insisted in running my PAL for a reference number. I told him, you don't need to validate a PAL via reference number for ammo - 25 min previous, I went to two (2) LGS in my area, both of which are site sponsors here - one to buy a flat of 12ga slugs and the other one to buy a brick of brick of .22LR and neither did reference number checks - they just looked at my PAL and recorded the info in their ledger.

It's sad because a lot of this legislation is causing some gunowners to see requirements that are not there, and worse, for some others to perceive requirements that are not there, and that to them is sufficient justification to sell their stuff and just get out of shooting and hunting as a whole. Perhaps that is the government's ultimate intention - bury gunowners in regulation and red tape with the hope they will throw up the white flag and deem it not worth it anymore.
Since then I have met people who own guns all their lives and never knew you had to renew your PAL. Some still simply have their old FAC or POL. I have purchased guns privately from people and when i ask them if they want ro see my licence they are fully unaware that you need anything but a hunting licence to possess a gun.

I suspect that same majority will see selling a magazine, clip. or any guns and parts in a private sale without asking for a licence will be the norm rather than the rule.

Gun owners follow the gun laws, except when they are too strenuous like asking to see a license when selling a gun.

Maybe those guys are the reason why people that have those firearms seized table with like 3,4 hunting rifles and tag lines like stolen property, auto theft, and drug trafficking.

Even in 1978 the laws stated the FAC was only valid for 5 years and you needed another one if you wanted to buy more guns or ammo.

People probably aren't going to check for a license to buy magazines or firearm parts, since the messaging to gun owners is horrible and it wouldn't occur to them.

But basically what i get from your post is that legal gun owners follow the law except when it is personally inconvenient how convenient for anti-gun groups.
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