All-New: Type 81M

Realistically, why would anyone believe this? You've beaten the gimmick to death

At the end of the SA production run the factory told us they were shutting down the production line and scrapping tooling -like the Type 03 and some other projects. It was only because of support from foreign clients that the factory decided to keep the line open. Everything is done on a production run, and we have been clear on when we are selling the last parts of those runs. We have always been open about working on new Type 81 shipments but have not gone back to previous runs/models once they have sold out.
Woo hoo just ordered
I wasn’t planning on buying another 762x39 but the underfolder looks so ###y
are the barrels borrowed from the LMG but cut to 18.5" ? another words , are the barrels as thick as the LMG barrels?
My poor credit card. I suspect the underfolder won't take long to sell out. But I knew this was coming so I did not buy anything the last 2 months.
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