How to buyer firearm dealer shop or open a new one

Interesting first post, welcome to the forum !
Usually folks start out with a little introduction : )

Sorry, I don't have information regarding your question to share, but are wondering why?
Are you thinking online or brick and mortar store?

I would think you've got two options: buy out an existing store, which would require finding a willing seller and money but not much else, or start from square 1 - get business license, get business firearms license, location, inventory, staff.... other than the firearms business license I doubt it's much different from any other retail store unless you're in a major city (a lot of them have rules that make it hard or impossible to get a business license for a gun store).
LOL very open ended question. Different communities / provinces etc will have different rules for opening a business. I would say that you would be best to start looking for an existing business.
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First, have a truck load of cash, lots are old and tired of the B.S. looking to retire .
Have machine shop exp.? business degree was something I could have used .
The paper work was no big deal, but that was many yrs. ago, licence price has gone up 1000% in 40+ yrs.

You want more info , you have to supply a hell of alot more info.
A good way to start is to see if you can get a city licence for a location, then GST/PST licences, and then a firearms licence
then start small to see if you like dealing with the public. Not everyone likes to do that
Internet makes everyone equal in getting your message out on your items you want to sell
Import/Export used to be the ticket to reasonable priced items at one time
This feels like a pointless thread, If you were serious you wouldn't be asking on here.

As mentioned, like with every business you buy one or open one.

Ask the rcmp what they require, get insurance, get distributors, product, website and cash register.
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