5.56 variant of type 191

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It's quite ironic when countries use or seek to purchase weapons manufactured by China while simultaneously speaking ill of China as if it's attempting to invade other nations. In modern times, China has been focused on developing its economy and safeguarding its territorial integrity; when has it ever invaded another country? It seems some people have a poor understanding of history.

I think its amusing when Chinese nationals come to Canada and instantly get addicted to our ability to have gun culture.

The biggest gun store I worked for close-ish to Toronto would have extremely wealthy Chinese nationals come in and buy 10-15 guns and two safes at a time on the regular.

Seems like the second guys like Chaolyu can bypass the authoritarian restrictions they were born into .. they do. There are usually more Chinese guys at my range than there are any other nationalities.

I think you have a poor understanding of your own culture.
actually, you have a poor understanding of history. Taiwan has belonged to china for 100s of years, not withstanding brief Portuguese and Japanese control. China did invade vietnam in 1979 but withdrew after a month. since 1949 both the PRC and taiwan claimed each other. US officially recognized one-china policy but unofficially they support taiwan independent thus the billion $$$ aid package being proposed by congress as we speak.

Did you even read my post you quoted? Just because a nation occupied territory in the past, does not mean it has claim over it in the 21st century lmfao. Maybe Britain should own India? Taiwan is not the PRC, it is a seperate self governing nation that wants nothing to do with your corrupt basket case of a totalitarian shlt hole. Also Xi Jinping can go suck a huge bag of d!cks. Put that in your report. I really feel bad for the Chinese people that became actual Canadians and escaped the communist govt. Now there are so many Chinese here who literally are openly party members and spread insane pro ccp propaganda everywhere lol.
I always had a laugh over the PRC "wanting" (by force) to " re- unite" Taiwan with the rest of Chyna....on the grounds that Taiwan is the "rebellious child" of the country.

If anyone was the "rebellious child", it would be the communist PRC--who rebelled against the original Chinese State and drove them (they retreated) to Taiwan.
So, if anything, the PRC should cede power to the original ruler(s) of Chyna in order to "re unite" the country

Sorry for the thread de rail. I just had to make this point:)
It's quite ironic when countries use or seek to purchase weapons manufactured by China while simultaneously speaking ill of China as if it's attempting to invade other nations. In modern times, China has been focused on developing its economy and safeguarding its territorial integrity; when has it ever invaded another country? It seems some people have a poor understanding of history.

Look at what they're doing in South China Sea, ramming filipino fishermen and water cannoning the Philippine Coast Guard. Don't act stupid.
actually, you have a poor understanding of history. Taiwan has belonged to china for 100s of years, not withstanding brief Portuguese and Japanese control. China did invade vietnam in 1979 but withdrew after a month. since 1949 both the PRC and taiwan claimed each other. US officially recognized one-china policy but unofficially they support taiwan independent thus the billion $$$ aid package being proposed by congress as we speak.

You have a poor understanding, Taiwan was a part of the Manchurian Qing empire , and later on the republic. It has never been a part of the PRC
Did you even read my post you quoted? Just because a nation occupied territory in the past, does not mean it has claim over it in the 21st century lmfao. Maybe Britain should own India? Taiwan is not the PRC, it is a seperate self governing nation that wants nothing to do with your corrupt basket case of a totalitarian shlt hole. Also Xi Jinping can go suck a huge bag of d!cks. Put that in your report. I really feel bad for the Chinese people that became actual Canadians and escaped the communist govt. Now there are so many Chinese here who literally are openly party members and spread insane pro ccp propaganda everywhere lol.

you are sorely mistaken, taiwan was part of china for centuries, it was a province of china .... india was never part of britain per se, india was only a colony of britain. you should google the definiton of colony.
You have a poor understanding, Taiwan was a part of the Manchurian Qing empire , and later on the republic. It has never been a part of the PRC

lol. and what country is manchuria part of today... yup, china. you really dont undertstand.
you are sorely mistaken, taiwan was part of china for centuries, it was a province of china .... india was never part of britain per se, india was only a colony of britain. you should google the definiton of colony.

"India was never part of britain" yes, it literally was. The British Raj. Saying China should own taiwan because it used to is the exact same logic as saying Britain should retake india by force...absolutely braindead take.
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lol. and what country is manchuria part of today... yup, china. you really dont undertstand.

The CCP =/= the Qing empire.

Just because Brazil belonged to the Portuguese empire it doesn't mean it's rightfully part of the modern republic of Portugal. actual bonobo.

But by that logic let's make CHYNAH Mongolia again
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"India was never part of britain" yes, it literally was. The British Raj. Saying China should own taiwan because it used to is the exact same logic as saying Britain should retake india by force...absolutely braindead take.

britain retake? you are funny. by the end of WW2, britain didnt want india, they couldnt leave india fast enuff, they left a mess between the muslim and the hindu causing 500,000 to 2 million deaths during the partition.

im not saying anything. both PRC and taiwan governments claimed they own the other side.
britain retake? you are funny. by the end of WW2, britain didnt want india, they couldnt leave india fast enuff, they left a mess between the muslim and the hindu causing 500,000 to 2 million deaths during the partition.

im not saying anything. both PRC and taiwan governments claimed they own the other side.

Hey finally something we can agree on. Back to the 191.
The CCP =/= the Qing empire.

Just because Brazil belonged to the Portuguese empire it doesn't mean it's rightfully part of the modern republic of Portugal. actual bonobo.

But by that logic let's make CHYNAH Mongolia again

so what logic is taiwan using to claim mainland? lol.
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