5.56 variant of type 191

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It's quite ironic when countries use or seek to purchase weapons manufactured by China while simultaneously speaking ill of China as if it's attempting to invade other nations. In modern times, China has been focused on developing its economy and safeguarding its territorial integrity; when has it ever invaded another country? It seems some people have a poor understanding of history.

China invaded Tibet!
China invaded Tibet!

Tibet has been a part of China since the Yuan Dynasty's unification of the country and remained so during the Ming and Qing dynasties. I suggest you Google the founding year of the Yuan Dynasty. Spend some time learning about history. Think before you speak, and do a bit of research first.
Tibet has been a part of China since the Yuan Dynasty's unification of the country and remained so during the Ming and Qing dynasties. I suggest you Google the founding year of the Yuan Dynasty. Spend some time learning about history. Think before you speak, and do a bit of research first.

Holy historical revisionist batman.
Next you'll tell us that nothing happened on June 4th 1989
Tibet has been a part of China since the Yuan Dynasty's unification of the country and remained so during the Ming and Qing dynasties. I suggest you Google the founding year of the Yuan Dynasty. Spend some time learning about history. Think before you speak, and do a bit of research first.

Wasn't the Yuan Dynasty the one ruled by Mongols? So I guess we are going with the idea China should be Mongolian again.
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