Buying Handguns and Firearms Storage at SFRC

Be polite everyone. This is an ad for a service that we offer. If you don’t want to use it then don’t. We have already been contact by many people that have deceased family or friends handguns they aren’t sure what to do with so they want to have them stored as an option besides deactivation or stripping.

We also store firearms for people moving, being posted, etc. We’ve been doing that for over 15 years.
Intelecaster, this is our dealer forum. I am politely asking that you no longer post in our forum.
We can't do it for 12.6 prohib pistols as they loose their grandfathering when they transfer to a business but we could do it for a restricted Luger...say an Artillery Luger or the Swiss Lugers as they are only restricted.

Why does it loose the 12-6 , is it because you don’t have anyone with a 12-6 working for your company
Or just more useless laws from the government ?
Transfers between and to almost all private individuals are banned. No necessarily to businesses. It pays to educate yourself.

Lighten up Francis...

So you're willing to give someone money for a gun, then pay a shop to transfer it into their name, then pay them storage fees for them to transfer it back to you in the event that maybe someday the laws change back?

And if the laws don't change then what? You gonna pay storage fees for it forever or hope that the shop buys it off of you for what you paid?

Hey if it works out then awesome as I'm sure there's more than a few of us here that wished they crossed one or two or 10 off their list before the freeze...
Lighten up Francis...

So you're willing to give someone money for a gun, then pay a shop to transfer it into their name, then pay them storage fees for them to transfer it back to you in the event that maybe someday the laws change back?

And if the laws don't change then what? You gonna pay storage fees for it forever or hope that the shop buys it off of you for what you paid?

Hey if it works out then awesome as I'm sure there's more than a few of us here that wished they crossed one or two or 10 off their list before the freeze...

Not to mention the additional risk that if the shop goes bankrupt in the meantime you lose everything.
Wow. Why are people crapping over this and pointing out all the negatives?

Guess what we all signed up for it when we got our PALs so please, move on. You don't like the risk, don't shot pistols. Simple.

Chemist/SFRC thank you for letting folks know of this option. It's one path to keep the sport alive for sure. Kudos.
unless the laws (hopefully) change it is the future. while individuals cannot buy handguns any more, commercial businesses still can (somehow this is safer to the public to have a lot of guns in one place vs a few guns distributed amongst the unwashed masses. easier for criminals, however ...).

so a business either (a) buys a bunch of guns, or (b) has you give them $ to buy a gun under their licence and store it. then they make the firearms available at ranges, matches, etc.

hey, might level the paying field in competitions - everyone running the same gun (ie, a ####ty glock 19 with a ####ty trigger ...). however, since they can deal in prohibs then perhaps we can race with full-capacity mags? then again, dzurka can beat most americans even with the additional reloads ...
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