Buying Handguns and Firearms Storage at SFRC


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We've been getting a number of people asking us about storing firearms for them.

We do store firearms for customers and we are a CFO approved storage facility...we have been since we started selling firearms over 15 years ago.

We charge $15 per month per firearm. For larger collections we can negotiate pricing.

Handguns and 2020 OIC Firearms....this is a common question we get. If you find a restricted handgun or 2020 OIC Firearm that you want to buy from a dealer, individual, auction etc we can transfer them to our inventory and store them here until the laws (hopefully) change. If it is a restricted handgun or 2020 OIC firearm then the storage fee is $15 per month. If it is coming from another dealer, individual etc (ie it has to be sent here/wasn't bought here) then there will be a one time administration fee of $40 for handling and entering it into our inventory.

If the firearms are already in your name and you just need them stored, no transfer etc is required.

If you have any questions drop us an email at

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i could see the laws going this way when they came out. do you have an indoor range where owners could fire their pistols? perhaps offer a service for outdoor range weekends where you transport the firearms to an outdoor range for the owners to use - perhaps ipsc or 3-gun match, etc.?
i could see the laws going this way when they came out. do you have an indoor range where owners could fire their pistols? perhaps offer a service for outdoor range weekends where you transport the firearms to an outdoor range for the owners to use - perhaps ipsc or 3-gun match, etc.?

We're not doing that, we're just offering storage. Moving them around becomes a logistical nightmare. Most of the storage we do now is for people moving, being posting, deployed, home renovations, estates where a family member can't buy the deceased handguns due to the law changes, etc. We're just opening it up to people buying handguns etc and having them transferred to our license and stored here.

We've been getting a number of people asking us about storing firearms for them.

We do store firearms for customers and we are a CFO approved storage facility.

We charge $15 per month per firearm. For larger collections we can negotiate pricing.

Handguns and 2020 OIC Firearms....this is a common question we get. If you find a restricted handgun or 2020 OIC Firearm that you want to buy from a dealer, individual, auction etc we can transfer them to our inventory and store them here until the laws (hopefully) change. If it is a restricted handgun or 2020 OIC firearm then the storage fee is $15 per month. If it is coming from another dealer, individual etc (ie it has to be sent here/wasn't bought here) then there will be a one time administration fee of $40 for handling and entering it into our inventory.

If you have any questions drop us an email at


Where could I find a restricted handgun for sale from a dealer? What am I missing here?
Where could I find a restricted handgun for sale from a dealer? What am I missing here?

Sometimes dealers have them in stock still...maybe a friend no longer wants to keep them and wants to sell them, someone passes away, legal issues etc. Handguns come up for sale all the time...we buy 5-6 a week.

Super neat. Thanks for this service. There are a few dealers that list stuff as available but prohibited….

Cool idea if there was a Luger or something ultra unique that you wanted from an estate or auction - I could see this being very valuable!
Super neat. Thanks for this service. There are a few dealers that list stuff as available but prohibited….

Cool idea if there was a Luger or something ultra unique that you wanted from an estate or auction - I could see this being very valuable!

We can't do it for 12.6 prohib pistols as they loose their grandfathering when they transfer to a business but we could do it for a restricted Luger...say an Artillery Luger or the Swiss Lugers as they are only restricted.
If we have a gun stored there, are we allowed to "borrow" or sign out them out so we can use them?

My understanding is that this is possible, provided of course that the registered owner is willing and the borrower has an RPAL and ATT. In your case the borrower also would in a sense already be the beneficial owner.
So you people are actually going to pay for a gun that won't be registered to you and then pay SFRC to store it until Bill C21 changes? I hope you are getting a contract drawn up by a lawyer because I think anyone that does this is just throwing money away.

I don't think there are many here that care at all about your take on this.

It's nice to see people trying to figure out temporary solutions
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