Jerry Miculek World Record | Full Documentary

I wish I had a nickel for every round he has fired in practice during his life, amazing shooter he is!
1.88s , from buzzer to last (6th target) smoked.
Truly amazing. Especially with a revolver, it’s unheard of…

A true OG.
Somebody buy this man a beer!
Ed Mcgivern, 5 shots on a playing card in 2/5 th of a second, one hand, 5 shots each on two playing cards , 4/5th of a second with a gun in each hand. Witnessed and documented. And with box stock S&W revolvers.
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Watched this guy for years. Ever since when I first started my IPSC many, many, many revolutions around the sun ago..LOL
He truly IS (was) an amazing man to watch over the years ! His mentor, Ed Mcgivern certainly was the best of the best as well. Not much wonder Jerry's where he is today.
How friggen kool would it be to have that stature, to go into S & W, and have them root out old parts, so you could have them build you a franken revolver !! Wicked legacy there ! Well done Jerry !!!
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