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Thread: Loaded Law: Handgun ban sending some sports on slow death marches

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    P.P. has stated that if elected PM he would repeal Bill C21. Let's see if he will keep his word or behave like most politicians and squirm out of his promise.

  2. #12
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer CLW .45's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Army2006 View Post

    It's the progressive's plan from the beginning.
    When these sports die out, we won't even have legit reason to own guns.
    We have always had, and always will have, a legitimate reason to own guns.

    It has nothing to do with sport, and that has a great deal to do with why we are in this situation.

    To Protect Life!

    When your right to firearms, for protection of life, is generally recognized your ability to use them for recreation is rarely in jeopardy.

    However, for the past half century the sporting community has been absent from advocating for the one thing upon which all access to firearms depends.

    The excuses given are manifold, and every damned one is nonsense!

    Note that one still has access to handguns for self defence even though the regs ensure that only the economically or politically powerful actually qualify, because it isn’t about how badly you need the handgun or whether your knowledge and skill are up to snuff.

    It is about who you are.

    And far too many of us were quite happy to sell their neighbours down the river in the vain hope that their sport would survive.
    - Gun Control is about making it unlawful for you to use, carry, or possess a firearm.
    - All restrictions/prohibitions must be repealed.
    - Middle ground? What middle ground?

  3. #13
    CGN frequent flyer
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    In all the talk defending lawful gun owners, the only groups mention are the hunters and eff n's
    Not one has spoken up for the sport shooters, in the media or elsewhere
    Never say 'whoa' in the middle of a mud hole.

  4. #14
    CGN Regular PrairieDawg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boxhitch View Post
    In all the talk defending lawful gun owners, the only groups mention are the hunters and eff n's
    Not one has spoken up for the sport shooters, in the media or elsewhere
    Lynda Kiejko is a Canadian Olympic shooter who has been quite outspoken on the effect Bill C-21 will have on sport shooters and competitions.

  5. #15
    CGN Regular guysavard's Avatar
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    It’s a losing battle if you fail to acknowledge that gun ownership and their use is a right. They can easily justify taking your guns away if it’s only a sport and pastime.

  6. #16
    CGN Regular Umpire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bustercluck View Post
    Typical liberal line by the staff sgt near the end. How is this going to stop gun violence? We’ll, it’s complicated but it’s going to work
    A total shame…
    You're out!

  7. #17
    CGN frequent flyer
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    The liberals believe that only they know what is best for us. They know that we can't be trusted to possess guns, period.
    Wait until they ban those dangerous motorcyles with engines larger than 50cc. Who needs a Harley to take down a school-zone speed limit?
    We need a change and soon!

  8. #18
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer .22LRGUY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miwhite View Post
    P.P. has stated that if elected PM he would repeal Bill C21. Let's see if he will keep his word or behave like most politicians and squirm out of his promise.
    I'm cautiously optimistic it'll happen, but I'm still bracing for a wait when he gets elected. Our dictator has ramped-up the already out-of-control spending, Canada is bleeding money at an alarming rate these days. Were Trudeau not the virtue-signalling, gob of snot that he is...part of me would wonder if he's literally shi**ing the bed to give PP even more to do when he tries to turn this ship around. I guess if we just keep giving billions to already profitable corporations just to bribe them to build their battery plants here=other countries will just stop building coal-fired power plants and then everything will be just fine.

  9. #19
    CGN Regular sdwatt's Avatar
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    I started Cowboy action shooting in 2023. And i joined SASS as well. I was fortunate that I was able to secure revolvers before the prohibition(thank you @Prophet River),
    I owe many people for their selfless efforts in supporting my entry point. So many volunteers and mentor's giving everything to help out.
    In order for this sport to survive, we will need to step up in kind.
    Thank you "B-Slim and Mustang Heart" @sherwood park fish and game. I owe everything to you folks.

    Take someone out shooting, spot some ammo, loan out a firearm. Drive someone to a range and pay a guests shooting fee. Pay it forward. We can fight this. We can support our sport. It's not over. The fight has just started.

  10. #20
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    That retard said it himself at the end…”do you think criminals will think twice about picking up a handgun because they are now banned?” “No I do not”

    Everything else is irrelevant.


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