Loaded Law: Handgun ban sending some sports on slow death marches

That retard said it himself at the end…”do you think criminals will think twice about picking up a handgun because they are now banned?” “No I do not”

Everything else is irrelevant.


Agreed, and this is why I have started saying that this 'fight' is more than the AR15 or the 2020 OIC, it's about EVERYTHING...

Absolutely everything in the Firearms Act that exists only to burden the law abiding, has to go! Classifications (which enable future confiscation), pinned magazines etc etc etc, all of it has to go because criminals don't follow any of it anyway so it only serves to burden the law abiding. Bring common sense back, isn't that what Pierre keeps saying? Well, I believe he's going to get his chance & he better get after it on day one!
Agreed, and this is why I have started saying that this 'fight' is more than the AR15 or the 2020 OIC, it's about EVERYTHING...

Absolutely everything in the Firearms Act that exists only to burden the law abiding, has to go! Classifications (which enable future confiscation), pinned magazines etc etc etc, all of it has to go because criminals don't follow any of it anyway so it only serves to burden the law abiding. Bring common sense back, isn't that what Pierre keeps saying? Well, I believe he's going to get his chance & he better get after it on day one!

Criminals arm themselves regardless of the laws. Might as well open it all up so every Canadian, who desires to, can arm themselves for every lawful purpose. Proving that you’re a Canadian should be proof enough to obtain a gun and ammunition. If you’re someone who shouldn’t own these weapons because you’re likely to harm others, then you should be locked up.
Agreed, and this is why I have started saying that this 'fight' is more than the AR15 or the 2020 OIC, it's about EVERYTHING...

Absolutely everything in the Firearms Act that exists only to burden the law abiding, has to go! Classifications (which enable future confiscation), pinned magazines etc etc etc, all of it has to go because criminals don't follow any of it anyway so it only serves to burden the law abiding. Bring common sense back, isn't that what Pierre keeps saying? Well, I believe he's going to get his chance & he better get after it on day one!

Not just firearms. This is about basic property rights. If they can get away with a ban on firearms, they can ban ownership of anything.
I don’t know, I can see how a ban on handguns can be a positive thing for safety. Not everyone obeys safe storage practices, and like all property guns can be stolen. Also, it might help reduce homicide rates in domestic abuse situations.
I don’t know, I can see how a ban on handguns can be a positive thing for safety. Not everyone obeys safe storage practices, and like all property guns can be stolen. Also, it might help reduce homicide rates in domestic abuse situations.

If all guns magically disappeared today then shootings would stop. Yep.
Would violence go down? The UK and Australia have "knife crime epidemics" (their words, not mine). Violence...including shootings...are up in Canada after years of Trudeau's "gun control".
And we know that very few Canadian pistols are involved in crime. We know that the vast majority of crime-guns are pistols from the USA. In Vancouver, I have been told by high ranking members of the VPD that 100% of the guns they pull off of bad-guys are American pistols. So, as a taxpayer, where do you think should the efforts/expenditures be focused?

But look, this is textbook "wedge-politics" being practiced by the Libs. It gets them votes from low-info voters. And they're good at it. But, just like the stupid LGR, the cost issue is going to sink them.

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There have been studies, published by our own Canadian government that dispels the myths that there is any significant correlation, increase or decrease when guns are present, in regards to suicide. Similar studies would show this to be found in domestic violence situations as well. Yes, guns are affective weapons, that’s the point really, they put holes in and through objects. It is the person, not the tool that is the problem.

Has violence, crime or homicides decreased when lawful people have no or little access to guns? Look for yourself, the data and evidence shows no justification for anti gun legislation, there is no positive change and increase in public safety. Also, our own government has given countless weapons to all sorts of bad actors abroad, like the U.S.

More and more Canadians are getting their PALs and purchasing guns, so that’s a big positive.

Time to repeal all of this useless gun legislation and bring back common sense.
I don’t know, I can see how a ban on handguns can be a positive thing for safety. Not everyone obeys safe storage practices, and like all property guns can be stolen. Also, it might help reduce homicide rates in domestic abuse situations.

You're a gun owner? Jesus.

I don't know of one gun owner that owns handguns that doesn't lock them up safely. This isn't the states.
Your "logic" is the exact same mindset as the gun grabbers and socialists. i.e: "The common man is too stupid to take care of their own affairs so we need big government to make sure the rest of us are safe."
I don’t know, I can see how a ban on handguns can be a positive thing for safety. Not everyone obeys safe storage practices, and like all property guns can be stolen. Also, it might help reduce homicide rates in domestic abuse situations.
So will banning cars, knives, bats, bricks, water, electricity....you should seek mental help immediately, for your own sake.
I don’t know, I can see how a ban on handguns can be a positive thing for safety. Not everyone obeys safe storage practices, and like all property guns can be stolen. Also, it might help reduce homicide rates in domestic abuse situations.

You are Correct about one thing “ YOU DONT KNOW “ :rolleyes: You should be BANNED from being here with that sort of thinkingf:P: ! RJ
I don’t know, I can see how a ban on handguns can be a positive thing for safety. Not everyone obeys safe storage practices, and like all property guns can be stolen. Also, it might help reduce homicide rates in domestic abuse situations.

Utter nonsense!
You're a gun owner? Jesus.

I don't know of one gun owner that owns handguns that doesn't lock them up safely. This isn't the states.
Your "logic" is the exact same mindset as the gun grabbers and socialists. i.e: "The common man is too stupid to take care of their own affairs so we need big government to make sure the rest of us are safe."

Your joy about how handgunners “lock them up safely” and “This isn’t the states” is as distressing as his attitude about “how a ban on handguns can be a positive thing for safety.”

Where gun grabbing and socialism is concerned, this is the states and Britain and Australia and every other nation on earth.

That gun grabbing socialist SOB doesn’t care about criminal violence or shooting sports!

What he cares about is disarming you, your neighbour, and your loved ones!

At the same time, he always makes provision for himself and his cronies to go armed.

Yes, Canada has always had provisions for concealed carry by the elite, they exist today - including provisions for them to purchase, including importation for purchase - they will always exist.

That applies to every nation on earth, despite what you have heard.
I don’t know, I can see how a ban on handguns can be a positive thing for safety. Not everyone obeys safe storage practices, and like all property guns can be stolen. Also, it might help reduce homicide rates in domestic abuse situations.

Nice. Amazing insight.

Tell me more how keeping things locked up makes us safer.
I don’t know, I can see how a ban on handguns can be a positive thing for safety. Not everyone obeys safe storage practices, and like all property guns can be stolen. Also, it might help reduce homicide rates in domestic abuse situations.
Following your logic we then ban anything that can be stolen, or used in domestic abuse situations. Knifes would be a good start. Once we ban model x knife, we'll be safe.

There's nothing positive about banning guns.
I don’t know, I can see how a ban on handguns can be a positive thing for safety. Not everyone obeys safe storage practices, and like all property guns can be stolen. Also, it might help reduce homicide rates in domestic abuse situations.

emotions aside, how many homicides per year occur using legally acquired handguns? iirc it is about 1% of all firearm related homicides in the country. if all legal handguns magically disappeared, what would be the effect on homiecide rates? math is hard!

public policy 101 class: resources are limited, one ought to concentrate on measures that move the needle the most, before chasing these isolated cases.
Trudeau’s MAID (assisted suicide), is now the 6th largest cause of death in Canada.

I think it might be safer to ban Trudy and his death carrying psychotic Doctors who like to kill people.

Hopefully Pierre Polivere can eliminate the ridiculous hand gun ban, defund the CBC and hopefully have Trudy, Singh, Freeland, Blair and Medicino lined up for their own MAID program.

Now wouldn’t that be an awesome day!….:)
Mass non compliance is the only way. Sorry but it has to be said. When the law is bull#### must we really follow it?
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