Loaded Law: Handgun ban sending some sports on slow death marches

I suspect Poilievre isn't saying one way or the other on the ban at this time to avoid giving the Libs and NDP something to attack him with. However, I hope once they get voted in the PC's will repeal the ban, and any money going to enforce this ban instead be directed to resources that address illegal gun smuggling... you know...something that might actually help keep illegal firearms away from criminals.
I suspect Poilievre isn't saying one way or the other on the ban at this time to avoid giving the Libs and NDP something to attack him with. However, I hope once they get voted in the PC's will repeal the ban, and any money going to enforce this ban instead be directed to resources that address illegal gun smuggling... you know...something that might actually help keep illegal firearms away from criminals.

I wonder if that's the wisest course of action.
It's not like Poilievre can avoid this. It's a wedge issue so you're guaranteed it will come up.

Maybe it would be better for him to get his position out there in advance, at timing of his choosing and fairly often.
Wouldn't that undermine whatever shock value Trudeau thinks he can spin out of it?
Wouldn't that allow Poilievre to call the tune and frame the discussion when he sets out his position?

Far better than waiting until you're responding to some tragedy somewhere... because at that point, Trudeau will be just handed the whole stage AND the keys to the media circus' printing press for his choice of headlines
Mass non compliance is the only way. Sorry but it has to be said. When the law is bull#### must we really follow it?

The polls are looking very good, but even if the Justinians remained in power I have little doubt that the majority of non-registered firearms will never get turned in, from SKS's to M1 Garands.

It makes me think of the LGR and how many owners simply never registered their rifles...or the old WW2 vet in Vancouver who kept a select-fire Sturmgewehr44 in his attic for almost 70 years (only found after his death when the house was being cleaned up and sold).

In the fullness of time, the Liberals will fall.
P.P. has stated that if elected PM he would repeal Bill C21. Let's see if he will keep his word or behave like most politicians and squirm out of his promise.

Unfortunately, I can see no political benefit for PP to reverse or repeal any of the current gun policy

He is likely to be voted in without the gun owners vote
If they spent the billions intended for confiscating guns on building garages maybe they could stop some car thefts.

That'd be better than anything they propose to take away legally owned property
P.P. has stated that if elected PM he would repeal Bill C21. Let's see if he will keep his word or behave like most politicians and squirm out of his promise.

PP needs to reverse everything Fidel junior and his gang did to us and that i s not just C-21, there is also the C-71 and God knows what else is hidden out there, if he does not, Fidel has won.
Unfortunately, I can see no political benefit for PP to reverse or repeal any of the current gun policy

He is likely to be voted in without the gun owners vote

Don't count on that. PP know he must not underestimate Lie-berals and he absolutely needs the gunnies votes. Canadians have short memories and when thrown a bone during election campaign they may jump on it no matter how bare that bone may be and PP knows he needs that buffer or extra votes that provide that buffer. Of course he could also simply screw us over once we put him into the office but we don't know that now.
Unfortunately, I can see no political benefit for PP to reverse or repeal any of the current gun policy

He is likely to be voted in without the gun owners vote

actually the gun owner vote is VERY important to him,figure nearly 3 million licensed gun owner,add to that 1 partner,and 1 possible influencable vote,and you're looking at a possible 9 million votes,THOSE numbers make a difference to any politician,
actually the gun owner vote is VERY important to him,figure nearly 3 million licensed gun owner,add to that 1 partner,and 1 possible influencable vote,and you're looking at a possible 9 million votes,THOSE numbers make a difference to any politician,

Agreed, our numbers are very strong indeed. In addition there are many firearms owners in Canada that do not have a valid firearms license. Some farmers being a part of those folks.

I am certain that gang members and criminals that own firearms do not vote Conservative, in reality, they probably do not vote at all.

Our current corrupt Liberal/NDP Government wants Canadians to believe that gun owners are a minority, the complete opposite is actually the truth. When the paid off CBC media spews its rhetoric enough to the general public, the minions start to believe their lies.

I finally watched the original video from above, this Calgary Staff Sargent is a WOKE b@g-licker who is spewing sh1t from his mouth. He has no clue about public safety or the use or firearms by licensed gun owners.

My wife and I were just in Calgary last week for medical appointments. This city has become a WOKE cesspool of Liberal/NDP idiots, homelessness, drug users and gang-bangers.

What a sh1t-hole indeed.

The Canadian Tire Pro Shop on Macleod Trail was great, as was the Calgary Shooting Center.

As a retired police officer, it was nice to see a huge police presence. Basically a marked patrol car in every kilometer one drives. I can only assume with a population of 1.5 million people, it's no wonder.

Years ago we use to enjoy visiting Calgary, it's not a nice place in this day and age......:(
Typical liberal line by the staff sgt near the end. How is this going to stop gun violence? We’ll, it’s complicated but it’s going to work

No such thing as gun violence. Only violence. This is the first problem with social engineering. Even gun nuts are stupid enough to buy their slanted words and misdirection.

Ever hear of hammer violence? Automotive violence? Hand violence?
Yes clearly the Sgt is a compliant civil servant following the party line probably realizing that he has absolutely no basis to spout the stuff that he is spouting. He doesn't even look or sound convinced; all he wants is for criminals to have fewer guns. But whats to lose from his perspective if lawful owners are expropriated? Every time I see wishy-washy Trudeau (whose only real life experience has been as a primary school drama teacher) babbling on I can't wait until the next election.

LOL he doesn't want criminals to have less guns, just you. They want crime. Crime means huge budgets. "Crime" means scared citizens who don't ask questions as cops trample their rights and their freedom.

Criminals are necessary to keep the sheep scared, the cops rolling in dough and the politicians from having to explain why they want "police" to be able to mow down people with select fire weapons. Ever wonder why you don't see many traditional police officers anymore? No more community policing? Now it's LAW ENFORCEMENT and you better do what you're told and pay your taxes or you're going to get hurt, end up in jail and only because you just want to be left alone.
No such thing as gun violence. Only violence. This is the first problem with social engineering. Even gun nuts are stupid enough to buy their slanted words and misdirection.

Ever hear of hammer violence? Automotive violence? Hand violence?

Well said Petrock!.....:)

This is all a part of the WOKE WEF Liberal/Democratic plan to disarm all the people. It's difficult to enslave your subjects when they own firearms.

The CBC will continue to spew her lies to the minions in order for them to drink the purple Kool-Aid. All paid for by our tax dollars, $142,000.00 per week I believe.

This is one of the reasons Pierre Poilievre wants to disband the CBC. Cut the head off the poisonous snake so to speak.

Trudy's MAID (assisted suicide), is now the sixth largest killer of Canadians. Yet the CBC promotes this genocide completely.....:(
South Calgary is still good, it's just the north. Bunch of Ontario/BC transplant guys came out here with their left wing views. Leave Ontario because of the Liberal high taxes and immediately start to think "Hmm that went so well lets do it again here". Thank god for rural Alberta, love me the High River area
Repeal, repeal again, continue until there is no gun law or regulation on the books.

All the way back to C-51 then C-80 that became C-17, C-68, C-71 C-21 anybody see a pattern here? It all needs to go, and replaced with a common sense, sane Conservative approach to it all. First, we need these morons gone from office, that will be day one of a new era.
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