I'm blowin' this popstand!


CGN Ultra frequent flyer
S. Ont
After a lifetime in The Hammer and 32 years in the same house I'm heading north. I can't afford the taxes and the upkeep of a large 120+ year old house anymore and after a quad bypass in November and being on my own I just can't keep it all together. Took a bit of a hit on the sale value due to the overall condition but was able to get a little place on half acre in the middle of nowhere (near Port Loring) and bank sme cash. Medical help will be an issue but I don't really care as long as I'm out of the cesspool that Hamilton has turned into. The clincher was last summer when a shirtless nutjob who was walking up the middle of Victoria Ave during rush hour decided to confront my truck. I had to come to a stop along with everyone else as he stared me down and wouldn't move. He then shrugged and began climbing onto my bumper and hood. I opted to not allow it and floored it. He literally flew over the cab and landed HARD in the box. I was near King William (and Central Cop Shop) so I made the turn with dinkus in the back and was confronted by road closed signs. With traffic everywhere I sped around the block to King street while swerving like a crazy person to give my passenger the shake 'n' bake treatment! pulling up to the front doors at Central I leaned on the horn for at least 20 seconds while none of Hamilton's 'finest' bothered to even poke a head out. Seeing where he was, Dippy hopped out of the truck and sauntered away. It wasn't until I got back home that I realized his bodily impact had completely bowed out my tailgate. It took 2 hours to get to the point of being operable again but during that whole process the decision to leave was being carefully plotted and here we are. Finally going to live in a place where I don't HAVE to interact with human garbage. SERENITY NOW!!!!
That’s too bad and sorry to hear about your situation. Like any place, Hamilton has some nice pockets but the sh!tbags have increased. The taxes have gone up too making it difficult to live there.

I hear you on moving out of the cities. I’d like to walk out of my house and not be able to see my neighbours.

Congrats on the move.
That’s too bad and sorry to hear about your situation. Like any place, Hamilton has some nice pockets but the sh!tbags have increased. The taxes have gone up too making it difficult to live there.

I hear you on moving out of the cities. I’d like to walk out of my house and not be able to see my neighbours.

Congrats on the move.
Thanks. Hard to leave all my friends but it had to be done. Those that really matter will visit and I'll be back to see the girlfriend anyway.
Moving to the "middle of nowhere" worked out pretty good for me, and I wish you the same tranquility. You get a different perspective on life, away from the city.
Hey man if it were that easy I would be gone , unfortunately
I moved into the city for medical support .

The human derelicts are overwhelming all cities , summer in the Okanagan Vly.
brings every kind of tourist , wanted & unwanted.

Good luck .
Good move, I took it one step further and left ON and ended up in a small fishing town on the east coast.
Population 2400.
Closest traffic light is 30 minutes away.
As of this morning you can buy a nicely renovated 3 bed 2 bath house on 140 acres for 259k not far from me
Congrats! I was born and raised in Hamilton, left there at 42. I didn't get as far away as you are going, but I'm on the shore of Lake Erie and it's night and day. Less than an hour back to Hamilton for family needs and stuff, but I avoid when ever possible.
Congrats! I was born and raised in Hamilton, left there at 42. I didn't get as far away as you are going, but I'm on the shore of Lake Erie and it's night and day. Less than an hour back to Hamilton for family needs and stuff, but I avoid when ever possible.

Thanks, a buddy tried to get me to move there too. My heart has always pulled me to the north. Something about the evergreens and clear air that just beckons.
Thanks, a buddy tried to get me to move there too. My heart has always pulled me to the north. Something about the evergreens and clear air that just beckons.

I really wanted to go north, but had and still have a few hand cuffs holding me in the area for a few more years. Sooner or later, I expect I will be heading north and never won't look back.
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