confirmation email when order shipped?

These pistols are taking for ever, I'm hoping mine isn't rusted before I get it :evil:
Ive bought a 12ga from earlier in the year and the service and shipping was great. Im guessing they are just swamped right now, frustrating for everyone involved including them im sure. This hasn't turned me off, ill order from CanAm again for sure this is just the way she goes sometimes Ricky
These pistols are taking for ever, I'm hoping mine isn't rusted before I get it :evil:
Ive bought a 12ga from earlier in the year and the service and shipping was great. Im guessing they are just swamped right now, frustrating for everyone involved including them im sure. This hasn't turned me off, ill order from CanAm again for sure this is just the way she goes sometimes Ricky

Yeah, I ordered my 12.5" Grizzly the day I received my PAL and got it in just under 2 weeks. On a Sunday too! I didn't know before that they delivered mail on Sundays.
I just called the CFO and the nice lady I talked to said the transfer has completed and the seller's notification was sent out on the 10th so they should know now. All I need is for CanAm to ship it.

Pwetty Pwease?:D
I just received a email from Canada Ammo and my order has been processed,its only been 8 days since I ordered.Know lets see how long until I receive the M213 Thanks Samson

From "processed" to "completed" took me 2 month and I ordered 2 and got only 1...mmm
I ordered two. One in early march and one on march 20. called can am around march 25 and they informed me the orders were processed and being held up by the cfo. I called the cfo today, april 6, to see what the delay is and they only have one transfer there and they got that one on march 30..........what a drag. both paid for though and all this time i thought it was the cfo holding it up it wasnt even requested :(
I ordered two. One in early march and one on march 20. called can am around march 25 and they informed me the orders were processed and being held up by the cfo. I called the cfo today, april 6, to see what the delay is and they only have one transfer there and they got that one on march 30..........what a drag. both paid for though and all this time i thought it was the cfo holding it up it wasnt even requested :(
We get several calls a day like this. The CFO says there is not transfer, yet we have a referance number, and when you call back with the number, they have it. GIve us a call tomorrow and we'll check.
wow. im so amazed that a thread i started has grown into a multi pager! ive created a monster!!!!

-.... i bet you can tell im bored :O
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