7.62x54r ammo

They only got 750,000 rounds, which is ~940 cases or so, not that many in the grand scheme of things...
"How come they are sold out already?"
LET ME REPLY HERE FIRST, Marstar is the largest volume ammo dealer in Canada, one of the largest in North America, that is what we do man, sell a hell of a lot of ammo....

"Why is x39 so plentiful and X54 is not?? "
NOT THE QUESTION, We had about 1/2 a container on hand that was not supposed to be sold until approved, as soon as we knew it had been approved we quickly diverted a container to Canada....

We did not stockpile 54r for Canada, it was not approved, so why stock it ?? We sold it off to other countries....

We do expect more to be made available in a few weeks....

In the case of 7.62x39, yes it is a lot more popular than it's bigger brother, as a result we stock a lot more of it....

Not hoarders, simply people who understand the volatile and unstable market that is surplus ammo.... It is either feast or famine.
When is the last time there was adequate supply of 7.62x54R ?

"3/4 of a million rnds in 6 days ? "
Not a record but even our staff was surprised we expected to get two weeks out of that load.

.... Many dealers odered 50 or more cases each, it does not take long at that rate....

"3/4 of a million rnds in 6 days ? "
Not a record but even our staff was surprised we expected to get two weeks out of that load.

.... Many dealers odered 50 or more cases each, it does not take long at that rate....


Hope a good portion came west . Would be nice to see a pile at the Kamloops show next month
Ok, thank Johnone. It's good to hear someone is looking out for our ammo needs. It's just frustrating not being able to find ammo for months on end, and then getting just a bit for a short week! I ended up stockpiling up a bout 4 crates, to hold me over for the summer.

Please don't forget, we're still in need! Keep it coming in!
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