Wednesday Meeting in Ottawa... How did it go Johnone?

Who cares about who has a standing for a fight. If CanAm and John need extra cash for lawyers I am sure there are plenty of us who are willing to donate some money to them for the cause. We need these guys to have the very best council possible we need to win these potential lawsuits.
Who cares about who has a standing for a fight. If CanAm and John need extra cash for lawyers I am sure there are plenty of us who are willing to donate some money to them for the cause. We need these guys to have the very best council possible we need to win these potential lawsuits.

We can help them only if they are willing to take the fight on. I think what shootemup was inferring was that you can take it up on your own if you have an interest in the matter. If you have a stake in the t97 you might have a chance but with the fsn/vz Johnone has to initiate the process.
But then they called the plastic over the Hi Point Carbine a bullpup stock. Does it look like a bullpup to anyone?

To be honest, it satisfies the definition as the action is ever so slightly behind the trigger group. Does it satisfy the purpose of a bullpup, i.e. to shorten the oal of a rifle. Not really, it's a matter of inches. Nothing material. It's just RCMP flexing their muscle. Inexpensive Carbine = No go.
Forget logic here guys. There is a deliberate plan by the RCMP to use this claim of FA parts in re-classifying firearms. If they win on this one, it opens the door wide open to other rifles with FA parts to be re-classified to prohib. This is not an accident or something they stumbled upon. This intentionally or unintentionally could be the key to attacking all semi's with similar characteristics.

Ridgearms, you HIT the nail RIGHT ON the head!!! I also believe that this is the direction that the RCMP are looking to go...

Everyone... For just one second... IMAGINE the guns that this new policy would effectively PROHIBIT...

Ladies & Gentlemen, "we" are looking at a very very scary change in "policy"... One that we have NOT had to face before this...

that's why canam and johnone have to file lawsuits, I will donate some cash to help out. I have too much to lose to have all my semis go prohib.
If one takes into consideration how many current semi's have a full auto version in their past, this could tie up a lot of guns. SKS, Mini 14, anything AR, M14/305, would just be the tip of the iceburg.
My question, where did the direction to the RCMP come from? In this day of CYA, especially in fedland, the marching orders have to come from some one with authority.
I think the key to this is that the two rifles concerned were new. Lever was selling restricted T-97s, but CanadaAmmo's were new, non-restriced. John's VZs were also "new". None were actually transfered and sold yet

The RCMP had the opportunity to screw with them before they actually hit the market, and they took it.

That is why old VZ's are not effected and everything else (Swiss Arms / M-14s etc.) are transfering normally.

I suspect that any new type of military style semi that is submitted from now on will get the same treatment:(
but were any delivered? I was under the impression this all started at the time the boat hit the dock in customs. Pre-orders aside, I don't think any actually made it out of customs, to the dealer, and were actually transfered and delivered.
Although this thinking may make you feel better tonight its not true. The old T97s have been classified as prohib as well.

I think the key to this is that the two rifles concerned were new. Lever was selling restricted T-97s, but CanadaAmmo's were new, non-restriced. John's VZs were also "new". None were actually transfered and sold yet

The RCMP had the opportunity to screw with them before they actually hit the market, and they took it.

That is why old VZ's are not effected and everything else (Swiss Arms / M-14s etc.) are transfering normally.

I suspect that any new type of military style semi that is submitted from now on will get the same treatment:(
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