Wednesday Meeting in Ottawa... How did it go Johnone?


Pound of Fire<br>Super Moderator
Moderating Team
Ottawa, Ontario
Hey Johnone;

Any update on what's happening with the shipment of VZ 58 rifles? As most others, I'm anxious to hear some news...

Cheers & Thanks
ALL support is greatly appeciated;

The meeting was productive, however the matter is not over, we are seeking resolution to this affair.

As of this date the firearms in question remain classified as "prohbited"

I will keep you updated.
Johnone, I know you & your staff appreciate the support! I've written 4 letters in the last 2 days on the seizure & reclassification of firearms AFTER the fact & Bill C-301... I mailed & faxed copies to, Prime Minister Steven Harper, Minister of Public Safety Peter Van Loan, my MP Paul Dewar (NDP, not that I expect "him" to do anything) and finally Garry Breitkeutz (spelling)...

P.S. Thank YOU for your support of the shooting community!!!
ALL support is greatly appeciated;

The meeting was productive, however the matter is not over, we are seeking resolution to this affair.

As of this date the firearms in question remain classified as "prohbited"

I will keep you updated.

Resolution being compensation? Just curious as to what you are implying is all.

What was the basis for there decision? or can you not discuss it?

Thanks for the update.

Have written some letters of support, still hoping you get them reclassed to restricted.
resolution being compensation? Just curious as to what you are implying is all.

What was the basis for there decision? Or can you not discuss it?

Thanks for the update.

Have written some letters of support, still hoping you get them reclassed to restricted.

^ +1
If they stay prohib, what class (if any)? I assume that they are calling it C/A or somesuch. The reason I ask is that I am 12.5, and if it were possible I would be willing to buy one anyway, just to help you offset the cost and stick it to them. I already have safe queens, so one more would not hurt!
WHAT I CAN tell you is that these rifles will NOT be reclassified to restricted, they are now prohibs and will remain prohibs.

On one hand they are satisfied with the receivers, however thay are NOT happy with some of the FA parts used in the rilfes.... As a result they will retain their designation as CA firearms....

I hope hope this is clear to you, it has me all confused to hell

####, no way to sell them then. That sucks for you john. Now is there anything else we can do to help fight this? Do their concerns about the trigger groups have any merit, or are they just pulling things out of their ass to cause grief?
On one hand they are satisfied with the receivers, however thay are NOT happy with some of the FA parts used in the rilfes.... As a result they will retain their designation as CA firearms....

So since the reciever is the firearm, could swapping out the FA parts make the RCMP happy? (Rhetorical question, I guess not). What is the deal with the FA parts? (IE could they be used to "easily" convert this rifle or another VZ type to FA?)
I would guess not, once assembled as a FA, it can't be dissassembled back into SA... I'm not going to speculate any further and let Johnone do his work.

So since the reciever is the firearm, could swapping out the FA parts make the RCMP happy? (Rhetorical question, I guess not). What is the deal with the FA parts? (IE could they be used to "easily" convert this rifle or another VZ type to FA?)
WHAT I CAN tell you is that these rifles will NOT be reclassified to restricted, they are now prohibs and will remain prohibs.

On one hand they are satisfied with the receivers, however thay are NOT happy with some of the FA parts used in the rilfes.... As a result they will retain their designation as CA firearms....

I hope hope this is clear to you, it has me all confused to hell


So even though the receivers are semi-auto only, the fact that it has full auto parts inside makes it prohib? WTF? I guess people with F/A bolt carriers in their ARs better watch out :rolleyes:

Sorry to hear about this trouble, John.
On one hand they are satisfied with the receivers, however thay are NOT happy with some of the FA parts used in the rilfes.... As a result they will retain their designation as CA firearms....

I hope hope this is clear to you, it has me all confused to hell


Umm... This is NOT looking good for firearm owners in Canada... As another guy said, owners with "some" full auto parts in their guns, better watch out!!!

I'm really wondering "how" this is going to play out in the end... It sure is a convienant way for the RCMP to stick it to companies selling firearms... Screw 'em once the shipment arrives in country...

Johnone, I know your working on this, and I'm no lawyer, but doesn't the submitting of a sample, getting the paperwork in order & the green light to go ahead, THEN getting the shipment... MEAN SOMETHING???

I'd like to see all the letters/emails/faxes & phone calls rattle enough chains that the Government reigns in the RCMP & CFC...

WHAT I CAN tell you is that these rifles will NOT be reclassified to restricted, they are now prohibs and will remain prohibs.

On one hand they are satisfied with the receivers, however thay are NOT happy with some of the FA parts used in the rilfes.... As a result they will retain their designation as CA firearms....

I hope hope this is clear to you, it has me all confused to hell


Can you elaborate on which FA parts they are not happy with and how they differ from other rifles that have similar parts?
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