Reasons for refusing PAL/RPAL application.


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Does anyone know what are the possible reasons for a PAL being denied,
aside from the obvious violent history?

Bad credit? Truancy in payments? Others?

Has anyone had a really hard time getting theirs?

History of alcohol/drug abuse, recent job loss or breakdown of a serious relationship, history of mental illness, history of suicide attempts, recent bankruptcy.

Those are just the ones off the top of my head. Other than the bankruptcy thing I don't think they care what your credit rating is.
Plus most of those things only mean they do further investigation and you need to explain deeper about the situation. So even if you went bankrupt or your marriage broke down you can get it if they are satisfied you provide enough info that its not a safety concern. Most important to be open about it and go through the extra hassle than it is to fail to disclose it and have them find out later.
I know a guy (relative of a friend) who was a drug dealer. He has a PAL. In 2002 he got busted with 2 kg of cocaine in his car, along with a 12 gauge and a .243. He got convicted of possesion, and possesion with intent to distribute. The guns were confiscated at the time of arrest, but were later returned to him. He did not recieve a firearms ban of any kind. Maybe he was just lucky??
Lucky , NO !

Just shows you the BS of this system.
No one ever gets the Kim Campbell "Auto 4 years for any firearm offence".

The Courts always play down any firearm offence & let these asses get off.

Yet if you or I get caught out in the bush with a Restricted firearm registered to yourself, look out:eek:

The biggest thing to watch out for is if you know your marriage is going South , transfer all your firearms to a friend before your soon to be EX drops the dime on you & you're in court just for the fact that you own "guns".

It has happened to a few friends that didn't heed my warnings & ended up in handcuffs ,their home searched & guns conficsated for no other reason that their EX knew that they cound make false reports & get the poor guy thrown in jail for nothing.
I know a guy (relative of a friend) who was a drug dealer. He has a PAL. In 2002 he got busted with 2 kg of cocaine in his car, along with a 12 gauge and a .243. He got convicted of possesion, and possesion with intent to distribute. The guns were confiscated at the time of arrest, but were later returned to him. He did not recieve a firearms ban of any kind. Maybe he was just lucky??

WOW... That's messed up! And WOW again for the thread below. WTF?

Okay, the more I read about this, the more BS it is to obtain RPAL or PAL I guess.

I also read in another thread that being a victim of a criminal act maybe reason to get denied. Well, robbers broke into my mom's place 4+ years ago and stole my stuff. Beats me if that is still on record. I just passed my PAL/RPAL exams. IF I get denied b/c of that, oh dear lord... :-(
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I know a guy (relative of a friend) who was a drug dealer. He has a PAL. In 2002 he got busted with 2 kg of cocaine in his car, along with a 12 gauge and a .243. He got convicted of possesion, and possesion with intent to distribute. The guns were confiscated at the time of arrest, but were later returned to him. He did not recieve a firearms ban of any kind. Maybe he was just lucky??

How odd is it that he had to keys of cocaine in the car and his firearms were stored properly. :confused: I would have expect them to be loaded in the passenger seat.
A home invasion 4 years ago likely wont affect your status, but they certainly won't like a history of break-ins. ie. those 'semiautomatic weapons' now belong to criminals.

Also, I know a guy who was denied because of his prescription history, if youve ever taken any drugs for depression, anxiety etc... that could generate a refusal.
Check out S.C of the RPAL form. (I believe it is section C) It outlines all the ways that your background can hinder or prevent you from being approved:

16. a) During the past FIVE (5) Years, have you been CHARGED, CONVICTED or DISCHARGED for an offense:

i) where violence was used, threatened or attempted?
ii) involving misuse, possession or storage of a firearm? or
iii) involving trafficking of drugs or controlled substances?

b) During past five (5) years have you been subject to a peace bond, protection order or an order under S.810 of the Criminal Code?

c) During past five (5) years have you or any member of your family been prohibited from possessing any firearm?

d) During past five (5) years have you threatened or attempted suicide or have you suffered from or been diagnosed or treated by a medical professional for: Depression, Alcohol, drug or substance abuse; behavioral problems or emotional problems?

e) during past five (5) years do you know if you have been reported to the police or social services for violence, threatened or attempted violence, or other conflict in your home or elsewhere?

f) During the past two (2) years, have you experienced a divorce, a separation a breakdown of a significant relationship, job loss or bankruptcy?
A home invasion 4 years ago likely wont affect your status, but they certainly won't like a history of break-ins. ie. those 'semiautomatic weapons' now belong to criminals.

Also, I know a guy who was denied because of his prescription history, if youve ever taken any drugs for depression, anxiety etc... that could generate a refusal.

Okay... I hope there's no hassle for me. I never even thought that might be an issue.

Anyway, I haven't filled out my forms yet. I glanced over it a few times. I have nothing negative to disclose or requiring further explanation. Of course, if the CFO asks if I was a victim of crime, I'll disclose. Heck, they probably know already.

Thanks for the info!
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