norinco m14s

They aren't getting any more. Never again.

or so they day they might say: "A miracle, we got hold of a forgotten, unwanted container of brand new chicom M14! Last chance ever! Buy them while they last. This is the very last shipment ever!!". Kind of like Cher's last concert ever...."this time really, this is the last concert! Honest!"
or so they day they might say: "A miracle, we got hold of a forgotten, unwanted container of brand new chicom M14! Last chance ever! Buy them while they last. This is the very last shipment ever!!". Kind of like Cher's last concert ever...."this time really, this is the last concert! Honest!"

No doubt there will be another shipment, but I am willing to bet it will NOT be at $399. :cool:
Yes we will have several new products over the next couple of weeks.
For those coming to BLAST OFF on June 6th we will have some new products there for you, at specil pricing....
And what about your customers in the rest of Canada
Guess we pay regular price

Pony up and come visit beautiful Bantario, stop in at one of our various government funded casinos, and feel free to leave a bag of flaming poo on David Miller's door step, all while saving a few bucks on very cool Marstar garb! Heck, bring your wife and kids, empty the motor homes grey water out in Dave's pool! The perfect family get away.
Pony up and come visit beautiful Bantario, stop in at one of our various government funded casinos, and feel free to leave a bag of flaming poo on David Miller's door step, all while saving a few bucks on very cool Marstar garb! Heck, bring your wife and kids, empty the motor homes grey water out in Dave's pool! The perfect family get away.

No offence but a visit to Ont is not my idea of a perfect family get away .
"And what about your customers in the rest of Canada
Guess we pay regular price "

Well since you seem to know more about our plans than I do I will leave it up to you to fully present our special offers to the rest of your fellow shooters/collectors here on CGN....

Thank you for your faith in Marstar.
johnone froget about him! Just keep up the good work cuz I would love to see some more marstar products in my safe!
"And what about your customers in the rest of Canada
Guess we pay regular price "

Well since you seem to know more about our plans than I do I will leave it up to you to fully present our special offers to the rest of your fellow shooters/collectors here on CGN....

Thank you for your faith in Marstar.

To be honest I was thinking the same thing as #1bcshooter.
Don't worry or friend, #1 BC SHOOTER, will advise all of you people who show so little faith all about of special promotions for this summer....
Don't worry or friend, #1 BC SHOOTER, will advise all of you people who show so little faith all about of special promotions for this summer....

I wasn't quite so pissy:p. I have much faith, anytime anyone sells something you do it is for a much higher price.....
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